The term Expresso coffee derives from the Italian word espresso and translates to brewed for you. This term has been used to identify a particular type of coffee since the beginning of the 20th century. While this method is actually older than that term. Not everyone understands what the term Expresso coffee actually means.
A popular misconception is that Expresso coffee is different than pother coffee because of the beans that are used. This simply is not true. There are specialty beans that are popular with Expresso coffee but they alone do not make a cup of coffee Expresso coffee.
Other people think that what makes Expresso coffee special is the blend. There are specialty blends that are designed for Expresso coffee but this alone does not make a cup of coffee Expresso coffee. These same blends could be used to make a standard cup of coffee but it would not be Expresso just because these blends have been used.
It's not the bean and it's not the blend so is it the roast? There is common thought that expresso coffee must be a dark roast coffee. While actually the right roast will vary based on the part of the country you are in. For instance on the east coast of the Us people favor a light roast while Californians tend to prefer a dark roast. The standard in Italy is actually a medium roast. What roast is used depends entirely on personal taste.
Most coffees are rated by the type of beans that are used or the blend, but Expresso coffee is different than other coffees due to the fact that it actually relates to the method used to brew the coffee. This does not imply that there are not specific beans and blends that are designed to be used in the brewing process of Expresso but rather that it is the brewing method that is truly unique to Expresso coffee. While it is traditional to serve coffee in a mug or coffee Expresso coffee is actually served in a small cup that resembles a child tea cup. This cup only hold a shot of coffee not a full 8 oz as do most coffee cups. What truly makes Expresso coffee Expresso is that it is brewed under a large amount of pressure using extremely finely ground beans.
The method of making Expresso coffee has been considered by some as an art. While the machine that is used certainly has a factor the amount of pressure that is applied against the grounds when being placed in the filter makes a big difference. A good Expresso coffee will have a small creamy layer on the top. This layer is known as crema. The correct amount of crema is what separates an outstanding cup of Expresso coffee from a mediocre cup of Expresso coffee.
Brewing the coffee is not the only thing that makes Expresso coffee unique. The way it is properly drank is also a unique experience. Expresso should be held up to the nose and smelled by taking a large whiff of the aroma of the Expresso coffee. Then the coffee should be drunk in several swallows. Then the cup should be placed back on the serving saucer with vigor.
It is not a sin to sweeten Expresso coffee but it is best savored just the way it was brewed. However if you are the type that just has to have a little sugar with your coffee feel free to add it to your Expresso coffee. In fact it is often done this way in Italy. No matter if you like it sweet or not enjoying a cup of Expresso can be a very unique and bold experience. - 31875
A popular misconception is that Expresso coffee is different than pother coffee because of the beans that are used. This simply is not true. There are specialty beans that are popular with Expresso coffee but they alone do not make a cup of coffee Expresso coffee.
Other people think that what makes Expresso coffee special is the blend. There are specialty blends that are designed for Expresso coffee but this alone does not make a cup of coffee Expresso coffee. These same blends could be used to make a standard cup of coffee but it would not be Expresso just because these blends have been used.
It's not the bean and it's not the blend so is it the roast? There is common thought that expresso coffee must be a dark roast coffee. While actually the right roast will vary based on the part of the country you are in. For instance on the east coast of the Us people favor a light roast while Californians tend to prefer a dark roast. The standard in Italy is actually a medium roast. What roast is used depends entirely on personal taste.
Most coffees are rated by the type of beans that are used or the blend, but Expresso coffee is different than other coffees due to the fact that it actually relates to the method used to brew the coffee. This does not imply that there are not specific beans and blends that are designed to be used in the brewing process of Expresso but rather that it is the brewing method that is truly unique to Expresso coffee. While it is traditional to serve coffee in a mug or coffee Expresso coffee is actually served in a small cup that resembles a child tea cup. This cup only hold a shot of coffee not a full 8 oz as do most coffee cups. What truly makes Expresso coffee Expresso is that it is brewed under a large amount of pressure using extremely finely ground beans.
The method of making Expresso coffee has been considered by some as an art. While the machine that is used certainly has a factor the amount of pressure that is applied against the grounds when being placed in the filter makes a big difference. A good Expresso coffee will have a small creamy layer on the top. This layer is known as crema. The correct amount of crema is what separates an outstanding cup of Expresso coffee from a mediocre cup of Expresso coffee.
Brewing the coffee is not the only thing that makes Expresso coffee unique. The way it is properly drank is also a unique experience. Expresso should be held up to the nose and smelled by taking a large whiff of the aroma of the Expresso coffee. Then the coffee should be drunk in several swallows. Then the cup should be placed back on the serving saucer with vigor.
It is not a sin to sweeten Expresso coffee but it is best savored just the way it was brewed. However if you are the type that just has to have a little sugar with your coffee feel free to add it to your Expresso coffee. In fact it is often done this way in Italy. No matter if you like it sweet or not enjoying a cup of Expresso can be a very unique and bold experience. - 31875
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