One of the more popular companies in the network marketing community is the Xocai business opportunity. While there are many claims of a can't miss opportunity, and a miracle product, what is the truth behind it and is the whole thing just a scam or is it legitmate? That is what this review will focus on.
One must dig into the xocai business as a company itself. As indicated on their web page, it was formed by Jeanette and Andrew Brooks. The core mission and principles of the company are to: "transforming and improving lives through unique and healthy chocolate products" in addition to giving many an opportunity to earn money as well.
Upon that solid core, what healthy chocolate products does the xocai business and its distributors sell? Like we talked about above, healthy and beneficial chocolate is the core of their product, but these are marketed in a variety of ways, including an activ healthy antioxidant, complete chocolate squares, a new drink named Xe, and a probiotic supplement in chocolate form.
So is it possible to really earn money in the xocai business opportunity? On their website they talk about the basis of it as achieving the rank of Royal and helping others get to that same royal rank. There are a total of 7 ways to earn money with the program, to include: a retail bonus, a quick check bonus, a royal maker bonus, an infinity bonus, executive generation bonus, a leadership pool bonus, and an expansion center bonus. Overall, it look like a lucrative, yet fairly standard network marketing compensation plan.
So is the xocai business a scam, or a legitimate opportunity? Absolutely a rock solid company with a great, unique product and good compensation plan.
One thing that many do not realize is that just like any other business, to truly achieve success in the xocai business, you need to learn how to properly market the products or opportunity to others, and not rely on the company and its claims.
In particular with the vast audience and array of people on the internet, if you educate yourself on how to go ahead and use it to reach a set of targeted customers and potential business partners, this will greatly increase your chances of success.
If you want to truly learn how to grow your xocai business on the internet, read below and click on the link for more information. - 31875
One must dig into the xocai business as a company itself. As indicated on their web page, it was formed by Jeanette and Andrew Brooks. The core mission and principles of the company are to: "transforming and improving lives through unique and healthy chocolate products" in addition to giving many an opportunity to earn money as well.
Upon that solid core, what healthy chocolate products does the xocai business and its distributors sell? Like we talked about above, healthy and beneficial chocolate is the core of their product, but these are marketed in a variety of ways, including an activ healthy antioxidant, complete chocolate squares, a new drink named Xe, and a probiotic supplement in chocolate form.
So is it possible to really earn money in the xocai business opportunity? On their website they talk about the basis of it as achieving the rank of Royal and helping others get to that same royal rank. There are a total of 7 ways to earn money with the program, to include: a retail bonus, a quick check bonus, a royal maker bonus, an infinity bonus, executive generation bonus, a leadership pool bonus, and an expansion center bonus. Overall, it look like a lucrative, yet fairly standard network marketing compensation plan.
So is the xocai business a scam, or a legitimate opportunity? Absolutely a rock solid company with a great, unique product and good compensation plan.
One thing that many do not realize is that just like any other business, to truly achieve success in the xocai business, you need to learn how to properly market the products or opportunity to others, and not rely on the company and its claims.
In particular with the vast audience and array of people on the internet, if you educate yourself on how to go ahead and use it to reach a set of targeted customers and potential business partners, this will greatly increase your chances of success.
If you want to truly learn how to grow your xocai business on the internet, read below and click on the link for more information. - 31875
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Get your free 7-day cutting edge network marketing training to help you build your xocai business and get tons of xocai business leads for free.