Chocolate is the new 'Black'. Its making waves in all the health circles, as its health benefits appeal to medical and health practitioners with diverse educations and specialties. Laboratory studies reveal its potent anti-oxidant actions, and 'chocolate parties' reveal a great many other positive effects. We've all seen the surveys where many women would prefer chocolate over sex (this does not seem to be the case in European countries, however); add to this the results of an Italian study mentioning that women who eat chocolate have more sex, and the subject gets a little spicy. Spicy enough even to consider adding a healthy dose of chocolate to your life? Need more reasons? Chocolate makes your bones more dense, it prevents heart disease, its thought to attract abundance, and its full of mood-boosting and intelligence-boosting neurotransmitter precursors. Healthy, wealthy, wise and happy. So it is as easy and eating all the Hershey's bars you can get a hold of? Well, not quite...
It happens that the somewhat controversial 'raw foodists' are right on the mark with this one: it's raw, unroasted, unprocessed chocolate that's the real health food. Really, it's not even called chocolate, but Cacao -- chocolate is the name for the roasted, fat and sugar added product that Willy Wonka makes. (But for the fun of it, we'll keep calling it chocolate. In the long run, it's cool to think you've added 'eating chocolate' to the list of things you do daily that are good for you.) One needs to be careful, too, as raw chocolate is relatively hard to come by. Pricey organic hot cocoa is still roasted and alkalized, changing chocolate's chemistry significantly enough to warrant limiting its intake. You can get raw chocolate online, and it's slowly finding its way onto store shelves. Make sure it says 'raw' or 'cacao' (pronounce 'Ka-', as in cat, 'cow') and not 'cocoa', and should have no other ingredients (though some actual raw chocolate 'candy' can be found in very hip health food stores). Got it? If you still need a little convincing, here's a quick look at the difference between raw and processed chocolates to help you make the switch -- then on to a few recipes.
Energy and stimulation is at the heart of the chocolate experience, but many people are sensitive to chocolate's effects. There are however, significant differences in the alkaloid structures of raw and roasted chocolate. Raw chocolate's stimulation comes primarily from theobromine, which has little anxiety producing effects. Studies by natural wellness professionals and user reports both note that while commercially prepared dark chocolate has a very stimulating action that caffeine sensitive individuals may find too strong, an equivalent amount of raw cacao does not. The stimulating effects are reported mild, gentle, and without a 'crash' that is often associated with caffeine. A reason for mothers to think about creating their own raw chocolate treats for their children, too. The jury is still out on the actual amount if caffeine in raw chocolate; some investigators have found none, some have found small amounts in the 'skin' of the cacao beans, and others of found only small amounts in beans that have fermented somewhat (an indication of a lower-quality cacao). Either way, if you've refrained from chocolate because of it's caffeine content, raw cacao may just be your answer to enjoying this treat again.
Next the question of anti-oxidants. Chocolate has been discovered to have exceptionally high quantities of important polyphenols. A study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry was titled: "Cocoa Has More Phenolic Phytochemicals and Higher Antioxidant Capacity than Teas and Red Wine." It's hard to argue with that. Here again the question of raw arises: One report notes that while roasted chocolate is made up of five-percent antioxidants, raw chocolate contains twice as much at ten percent. Another important note is the addition of milk to make milk chocolate. Research has shown that the addition of milk actually cancels-out the positive effects of chocolate's antioxidants. And milk may be one of the reasons many people seem to be allergic to chocolate, as lactose intolerance is fairly common. Another chocolate myth is some individuals break out when ingesting high amounts; reports indicate that raw chocolate does not cause this response, and that it may be the refined fats and sugars present in most chocolate products producing this effect.
Finally, the question of mood-enhancing neurochemicals and precursors. Chocolate contains significant quantities of the essential amino acid tryptophan. Tryptophan intake has recently been collated with neurogenesis, the development of new brain cells, and both long and short term memory. The presence of tryptophan is critical for the production of serotonin, a primary neurotransmitter associated with mood (Prozac works on the principal of enhancing the action of serotonin). Once in the body tryptophan reacts with vitamins B6 and B3 in the presence of magnesium (all present in raw chocolate) to produce serotonin. Enhanced serotonin function assists in diminishing anxiety and stress - ccording to Dr. Gabriel Cousens, serotonin is literally our "stress-defense shield." Tryptophan is heat sensitive and is often deficient in many cooked-food diets, even when animal protein intake is high. In addition to tryptophan (but not heat sensitive) chocolate also contains PEA, the 'love hormone' and Anandamide the 'bliss chemical'.
Need more be said? Ready for some recipes? The simplest means of eating raw chocolate is snacking on cacao nibs. These are small pieces of cacao beans that mix well with natural granolas or dried fruit. To really get the most benefits, and for the most delicious raw chocolate creations, find yourself a source of raw organic cacao powder. The powder can be added to any drink, or easily made into bars, drops or other shaped candies. The hands-down most common preparation of cacao powder is the hot chocolate drink: Put one heaping tablespoon raw cacao powder, one teaspoon raw agave nectar, and one teaspoon high quality coconut oil in a blender (note that coconut oil quality varies greatly - a good coconut oil should taste pleasant by itself and have no chemical or rancid flavor which would otherwise be noticed in your chocolate drink). Add eight to twelve ounces of hot (but not boiling water) and blend at low speed for about ten seconds. That's it; Chocolate magic that's easily adjusted to your tastes -- experimenting in whatever way comes to mind is highly encouraged.
There are lots and lots of recipes out there, and great reading on raw chocolate's health benefits and preparation. You'll cacao powder often combined with other super nutritious foods in smoothies and good-for-you deserts. Natural organic candies start with the same ingredients as the drinks, but without the liquid. Just make a paste, adding pecans, coconut shavings or whatever you like, and chill to harden. As you're not baking anything, there's little to go awry, and really, so many possibilities. By using raw chocolate, you'll open up a whole new world of cooking for yourself and your family -- and if you hadn't before, you might just find yourself really motivated to treat yourself to natural health and wellness. - 31875
It happens that the somewhat controversial 'raw foodists' are right on the mark with this one: it's raw, unroasted, unprocessed chocolate that's the real health food. Really, it's not even called chocolate, but Cacao -- chocolate is the name for the roasted, fat and sugar added product that Willy Wonka makes. (But for the fun of it, we'll keep calling it chocolate. In the long run, it's cool to think you've added 'eating chocolate' to the list of things you do daily that are good for you.) One needs to be careful, too, as raw chocolate is relatively hard to come by. Pricey organic hot cocoa is still roasted and alkalized, changing chocolate's chemistry significantly enough to warrant limiting its intake. You can get raw chocolate online, and it's slowly finding its way onto store shelves. Make sure it says 'raw' or 'cacao' (pronounce 'Ka-', as in cat, 'cow') and not 'cocoa', and should have no other ingredients (though some actual raw chocolate 'candy' can be found in very hip health food stores). Got it? If you still need a little convincing, here's a quick look at the difference between raw and processed chocolates to help you make the switch -- then on to a few recipes.
Energy and stimulation is at the heart of the chocolate experience, but many people are sensitive to chocolate's effects. There are however, significant differences in the alkaloid structures of raw and roasted chocolate. Raw chocolate's stimulation comes primarily from theobromine, which has little anxiety producing effects. Studies by natural wellness professionals and user reports both note that while commercially prepared dark chocolate has a very stimulating action that caffeine sensitive individuals may find too strong, an equivalent amount of raw cacao does not. The stimulating effects are reported mild, gentle, and without a 'crash' that is often associated with caffeine. A reason for mothers to think about creating their own raw chocolate treats for their children, too. The jury is still out on the actual amount if caffeine in raw chocolate; some investigators have found none, some have found small amounts in the 'skin' of the cacao beans, and others of found only small amounts in beans that have fermented somewhat (an indication of a lower-quality cacao). Either way, if you've refrained from chocolate because of it's caffeine content, raw cacao may just be your answer to enjoying this treat again.
Next the question of anti-oxidants. Chocolate has been discovered to have exceptionally high quantities of important polyphenols. A study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry was titled: "Cocoa Has More Phenolic Phytochemicals and Higher Antioxidant Capacity than Teas and Red Wine." It's hard to argue with that. Here again the question of raw arises: One report notes that while roasted chocolate is made up of five-percent antioxidants, raw chocolate contains twice as much at ten percent. Another important note is the addition of milk to make milk chocolate. Research has shown that the addition of milk actually cancels-out the positive effects of chocolate's antioxidants. And milk may be one of the reasons many people seem to be allergic to chocolate, as lactose intolerance is fairly common. Another chocolate myth is some individuals break out when ingesting high amounts; reports indicate that raw chocolate does not cause this response, and that it may be the refined fats and sugars present in most chocolate products producing this effect.
Finally, the question of mood-enhancing neurochemicals and precursors. Chocolate contains significant quantities of the essential amino acid tryptophan. Tryptophan intake has recently been collated with neurogenesis, the development of new brain cells, and both long and short term memory. The presence of tryptophan is critical for the production of serotonin, a primary neurotransmitter associated with mood (Prozac works on the principal of enhancing the action of serotonin). Once in the body tryptophan reacts with vitamins B6 and B3 in the presence of magnesium (all present in raw chocolate) to produce serotonin. Enhanced serotonin function assists in diminishing anxiety and stress - ccording to Dr. Gabriel Cousens, serotonin is literally our "stress-defense shield." Tryptophan is heat sensitive and is often deficient in many cooked-food diets, even when animal protein intake is high. In addition to tryptophan (but not heat sensitive) chocolate also contains PEA, the 'love hormone' and Anandamide the 'bliss chemical'.
Need more be said? Ready for some recipes? The simplest means of eating raw chocolate is snacking on cacao nibs. These are small pieces of cacao beans that mix well with natural granolas or dried fruit. To really get the most benefits, and for the most delicious raw chocolate creations, find yourself a source of raw organic cacao powder. The powder can be added to any drink, or easily made into bars, drops or other shaped candies. The hands-down most common preparation of cacao powder is the hot chocolate drink: Put one heaping tablespoon raw cacao powder, one teaspoon raw agave nectar, and one teaspoon high quality coconut oil in a blender (note that coconut oil quality varies greatly - a good coconut oil should taste pleasant by itself and have no chemical or rancid flavor which would otherwise be noticed in your chocolate drink). Add eight to twelve ounces of hot (but not boiling water) and blend at low speed for about ten seconds. That's it; Chocolate magic that's easily adjusted to your tastes -- experimenting in whatever way comes to mind is highly encouraged.
There are lots and lots of recipes out there, and great reading on raw chocolate's health benefits and preparation. You'll cacao powder often combined with other super nutritious foods in smoothies and good-for-you deserts. Natural organic candies start with the same ingredients as the drinks, but without the liquid. Just make a paste, adding pecans, coconut shavings or whatever you like, and chill to harden. As you're not baking anything, there's little to go awry, and really, so many possibilities. By using raw chocolate, you'll open up a whole new world of cooking for yourself and your family -- and if you hadn't before, you might just find yourself really motivated to treat yourself to natural health and wellness. - 31875
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Organic and wild-crafted aromatherapy oils make lovely gifts. Learn more about aromatherapy in this concise wellness article.