What To Know About Allergy Free Foods Or Recipes

By Chris Channing

Today, it seems more than ever, that people have allergies to certain foods. Eating foods that a person has an allergy to can cause many different symptoms. Some of the symptoms may be very mild while others can be severe or even death. If you have a food allergy, access to allergy free foods or recipes can make life much more enjoyable.

Many people are discovering that they are allergic to gluten. Gluten is found in wheat and several other grains. It helps bread to be fluffy and soft. The product is so common that many persons who have this allergy find it difficult to eat outside the home and must prepare their own meals.

Persons may have an allergy to lactose. Lactose is found in milk and many dairy products. A lactose allergy can cause severe gastric disturbances. Fortunately, today there are many substitutes that do an effective job in replacing dairy products.

Persons allergic to nuts, especially peanuts can have a severe reaction if they accidentally consume products that contain the allergen. The reaction can inhibit breathing. Many people with nut allergies should avoid eating foods prepared in the same places where nuts are prepared, as enough dust may be present in food to cause the reaction.

If you are allergic to eggs, you will need recipes that are modified to use something other than eggs. In addition, you should tell your doctor before taking any injection as some medications are stored in the albumen of eggs. There are many recipes that allow you to cook your food without using eggs in the recipe.

If your food allergy is to a less common food, you may be able to simply eat something else. Many people are allergic to shellfish or citrus and can simply avoid any episode of the allergy by avoiding the food.

Closing Comments

When a person is allergic to one or more of the common foods that are used in preparing meals, life can be challenging. It is necessary for persons preparing food for those with multiple allergies take time in reading labels of any prepared foods that may be served. It may be hard to find a bread that works for a person that is allergic to gluten, eggs and milk. Special recipes are being developed regularly that can help to meet these challenges while allowing the person to eat food that resembles a normal diet. - 31875

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Why Flossing Regularly Is Crucial

By Robert Rangel

You may not be aware of this, but many dentists consider flossing your teeth to be almost as important as brushing them. It should always be included in your daily oral hygiene routine because it helps keep your mouth and gums healthy.

I'd like to take a look at why flossing is so important. This kind of knowledge is vital to our well-being and I hope to give you good reason to start flossing every day.

In the first place, flossing your teeth will get rid of any plaque that might have formed there. If food stays in between your teeth for a long time it causes plaque to build up.

Plaque is unattractive because it darkens your teeth, and on top of that it's bad for you. If you want to still have your nice white smile in the future, then keep plaque at bay by flossing every day.

Flossing makes sure your gums are in good health, too. If food is left on your teeth for a long time it can start to irritate the gum and cause diseases such as gingivitis. Flossing is a great way of preventing this.

Finally, if you floss your teeth you can put an end to any bad breath problems. Just imagine food that's been left out in the open for a long time. Would you find it acceptable to leave a piece of meat out in your kitchen for a few weeks?

No, you wouldn't, but that's what you're doing in your mouth if you don't floss! Kind of gross when you think about it, and hopefully this will cause you to take action.

Dental floss doesn't cost too much, so you have no excuse not to get into this healthy habit straightaway. Floss frequently and with time you're bound to reap the benefits. - 31875

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An Overview Of Common Gluten-Based Food Allergy Concerns

By Chris Channing

It seems that with each passing decade, there are more people that come forth that claim to have some sort of problems in digesting gluten. This protein has been causing digestive problems for families around the world- causing them to adjust their diets and eating habits. Knowing the symptoms and learning to circumvent dietary needs of foods with gluten in them can greatly help the situation.

When you hear the word gluten, you are probably unsure as to which foods you are forced to refrain from. Gluten is present in many foods that contain grains- such as bread or pasta. Since the majority of many foods contain grains, it can be hard to plan even a single dinner without a lot of guess work and research. Even still, allergies to gluten are usually not serious. Eating gluten could result in discomfort, but will probably not result in severe side effects. Some cases my prove to be celiac disease, which is a very serious condition that should be taken seriously.

Celiac disease is a more serious condition which is associated with gluten intolerance. When you have this disease, gluten will trigger an immune deficiency in the system of the body. It is therefore regarded as an autoimmune disorder that can can be hereditary. Its effects are more serious and complicated. Than your average gluten allergy.

Children have been known to have allergies to gluten, as well as having celiac disease. It is even more important to guide the nutrition of a child who has either complication, since they are in an important part of their life. The body is growing in this stage and will not grow correctly with constant irritations.

If you do expect that you are a victim of an allergy to gluten, consulting a doctor is a must. Gluten allergies can be serious and cause more irritation than you would think possible. Doctors will also be able to supply information on what diets you should be working towards to avoid future agitation. And of course, testing for celiac disease is a must at this point.

Sometimes processed foods can cause irritation as well. In your attempt to weed out gluten of your diet, also look to take out any processed foods that you can. That way you are fixing your nutrition in more than one way. If you do find out that you aren't allergic to gluten, consider cutting out gluten in part of your diet. Some studies show that those who did feel more comfortable on average than those who consume a lot of gluten.

Final Thoughts

The news of being allergic to a major ingredient in food isn't easy. The good news is that there is more support than ever for those with food allergies. Whole retail stores are now dedicated to making the process of shopping for food allergies easier. Look on the Internet for retailers who can help you shop for the foods you need, but without gluten your body seems to have problems with. - 31875

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How To Handle A Constipation Problem

By Charlie Michaels

Many people do not pay much attention to the necessity of bowel movement. This is very essential as this clears your body of waste material which if allowed to accumulate, could cause many complications. Hence, bowel movement must be regularized to at least once every day and many doctors recommend this. Of course it also depends on the kind of food that is being consumed by every individual.

Surprisingly enough, however, some people move their bowels once every three to five days. This leads to something called constipation - a condition that is directly linked to one's dietary habits. If you're constipated, there's definitely something wrong with your diet.

Constipation consists of several symptoms, the most essential being a person's inability to maintain regular bowel movements, which may lead to pain and bloating. In cases exceeding five days without movement, the large intestine may press against the bladder, creating the urge to urinate.

The large intestine absorbs any water content that may be present in the colon area and if a person does not clear his bowels everyday, there is a possibility of the faucal matter becoming completely dry and hard. This is bound to make excretion of the waste even more difficult. Medical attention should be given immediately in such cases.

Diet is the main culprit where constipation is concerned, which usually means that the sufferer is not getting enough fiber. White bread, cheese and meat, along with other overly processed foods, do not contain sufficient amounts of fiber. Some contain none.

The Atkins diet is a low-protein, low-carbohydrate diet that is also notoriously low in fiber. People who adopt the diet often have bowel movements only once or twice a week as a result of the nutrition they receive. Interestingly, fiber is indigestible plant matter that provides no calories, but simply acts a sort of "pipe cleaner" for the digestive system while also adding substance to the stool.

High-fiber foods include items like whole-grain flower, oatmeal and whole-wheat bread. Vegetables like broccoli, celery and lettuce are loaded with fiber, as are many fruits. Fruit fiber is found mainly in the skin, so remember to eat the skins of fruits like apples.

As constipation is a condition of the digestive system, it is clear that what "comes out" is a reflection of what goes in. Maintaining a diet that is high in fiber is the first step to insure you don't get to the point of constipation. If you find it difficult to reach your daily allotment through whole-grains and vegetables, there are a plenty of fiber-enriched snack foods and cereals at your local grocer. - 31875

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Tips To Gluten Free Cooking

By Stacey Peterno

Perhaps you are one of the many people who have to practice gluten free cooking. You might have a sensitivity to gluten and realize it. About one out of every one hundred and fifty people in this country suffer from gluten sensitivity. These are the signs you should look for. Do you have bloating or pain in your abdomen after eating?

This might mean you just over ate. But if you feel this way on a regular basis no matter how much you eat you might have a gluten sensitivity. Gluten is the part of bread dough that makes it gooey. It is an protein and is present in rye, barley, and wheat. Since it is common to many everyday products if can be difficult to avoid.

But with the fact that more and more people are being diagnosed with gluten sensitivity more and more food companies are offering gluten free products. You can find gluten free bake mixes for bread or pastries. You can even find gluten free snacks like potato based pretzels. As companies see a market for gluten free products there will be more released on the shelves of your favorite super markets.

Also restaurants are seeing a market for gluten free dishes. If they have gluten free meals on their menu they are going to attract paying customers who cannot find their gluten free meals at other eateries. But if you like to cook you will want to prepare your own gluten free foods. You can use various substitutions. You can use soy flour verses wheat flour when making home baked bread.

You can also use however rice flour which you can prepare in your kitchen. You will need a high powered blender the kind that is used to make soups and smoothies out of vegetables and fruits. You also want to use long grain brown rice which still has the nutrients not found in bleached white rice. You then grind the rice into flour.

These are high powered blenders that you can find online. You then take the rice flour and mix it with about a quarter cup of the soy flour. You then mix in black strap molasses; and also baking soda and baking powder and two eggs. One guy who cooks gluten free also adds about a cup of instant potato mix. This helps bind the flours together.

Add just enough water to mix it into a smooth but not runny concoction. This does does not need yeast. Then pour the mix into a bread pan and put into a pre heated oven at 350 degrees for about an hour. Then remove it from the oven and let cool. This is a great tasting bread that is gluten free.

There are now many gluten free cookbooks available in your book store and also many recipes online along with a lot helpful cooking videos you can watch so you will not have trouble cooking without gluten. - 31875

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The Best Ways To Comfortably Sleep During The Night

By Paul Green

One thing that really bugs me is when I'm absolutely shattered, go to bed and then can't sleep! Then I don't want to get up in the morning and go through the entire next day on auto pilot. Here's a few things I tried to rectify this.

Turn off your TV or anything else that is causing you to think, such as a laptop etc. You may think that these will help you fall asleep but in fact they are keeping your mind active.

You get into the mindset that you can't sleep when in effect it is you who are stopping it. Turn of the distractions and you brain will turn off too.

Now this is a tip that students use when they need to study. Get yourself a non fiction book that is full of facts but has zero entertainment value. Your brain recognizes how boring this is and shuts itself down, enabling you to fall asleep.

You need to so something to make you tired and physical exercise that really pushed you is the best way to do this. Your mind and your body will both switch off through exhaustion.

Although some people say all exercise will do this, I tend to stick to cardio and resistance work. Yes I have that buzz immediately afterwards, but by the evening my body is crying out for sleep.

If you are visually assisted, remove your glasses or contacts before you go to bed, there are two reasons for this.

If your eyesight is bad without your visual aids, there will be few distractions and secondly your eyes will relax quicker and want to close.

How many of us are late night snack people and feel that we can't sleep until we've eaten? This is a fallacy that you have brought about yourself by eating too late. You will want to go to sleep but your brain will keep you awake by thinking about what's in the fridge. There is also the probability of weight gain to consider here, so knock the late night eating on the head. - 31875

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What Did You Say Makes The Acai Berry Regimen Succeed?

By Noel Smith

If you have read anything about the acai berry you have probably noticed that this little berry has been touted as a phenomenon for weight loss. With all of the claims it may be enticing to believe that all you will have to do is munch some of these tasty berries or eat some of the products made from these berries and the weight will just fall off readily and with no trouble.

There are some very important nutrients that can benefit weight loss that are found in the acai berry. But, this little berry is probably not the wonder cure that some of the claims would have you believe. It is exceedingly unbelievable that you will lose weight just by adding acai berry products to your plan. It is just not that straightforward and if it were, then one and all would be slim and strong.

The acai is one of the healthiest fruits that has ever been found on earth. It boasts one of the top ORAC measurements of any singular food. ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity and it is a measurement of the active antioxidant activity in a food. Antioxidants are crucial to our excellent health for many reasons.

The acai berry also has an array of nourishing fats in the form of oleic acid and Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9. These are critical nutrients that are central to our healthiness and especially the health of our heart. Essential fats can also help to enhance metabolism, which can lead to weight loss.

The acai berry contains a good quantity of fiber, which helps with digestive health and can help you to feel fuller for a longer interval of time. This can be advantageous for you to stay away from excess snacking. Fiber is a central nutrient for dieters as it keeps the digestive system running smoothly.

One of the most exciting discoveries about the acai berry and weight loss involves the antioxidant anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are a powerful antioxidant that is plentiful in the acai berry. Some studies were conducted involving laboratory mice, where one group of mice was given purified anthocyanins along with a control group. The group that received the antioxidant was able to drop sizeable amounts of body fat and they maintained a leaner body than the control group. Acai berry extract products do offer a more purified form of anthocyanins.

Acai berries may work for dieting for a variety of reasons. Giving your body excellent nutrition will often help you to lose weight. Many cravings are actually caused by deficiencies of nutrients. Essential fatty acids and fiber are both useful for losing weight and the high antioxidant faculty of the fruit itself and especially the sizeable amount of anthocyanins probably all contribute to healthy weight loss.

However even with all of these advantages you still will not be able to lose weight by just consuming the berries. You will also need to add in a healthful all around nourishment plan and you will also do better at losing weight by adding in some habitual exercise. A balanced and wholesome diet, habitual exercise and the addition of the exceptionally wholesome acai berry are a wonderful solution for weight loss and with all of these components you will be a success. - 31875

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Organic Food For Good Wellbeing

By Joseph Devine

If the market of organic food and organic product aren't explored then ultimately a lot is left out on life. organic food and organic product are freed from chemical substances and fertilizers that have an effect on the crops and in terms, affect the quality of life for everyone. When one is having organic food and shopping for organic product that particular person is definitely bringing in new ways of experiencing changes in one's standard health conditions. Organic food is full of the natural force of life and they bring an unbelievable surge of well being and wellness that can not be achieved on normally grown food.

Genetically modified food is dangerous and they have shown to bring carcinogenic development and even mutations of cells. Normally grown food cannot be prevented at times as organic food and Singapore organic product could be expensive compared to the normal. However then every time attainable, when organic food is chosen there is a marked difference in well being and wellbeing. Purchase strictly organic will improve the overall health and may actually bring in some sure healing.

Many of the germs and pesticides that are consumed through food may also bring in some of the most threatening diseases. In addition, there are environmental pollution and lots of other hazards including EMF and other chemical substances that bring poison to the way living matters functions. Having organic food is one such answer to control the massive range of issues that occur in the human body and the way the ecological balance is maintained. Organic foods are made according to a certain standard using natural process.

Local farmers, co-ops and small organic farms are the best locations to hit upon when gathering organic food. Alternatively having an organic garden at one's own place with simple herbs and plants will bring cheap and inexpensive sources of some great additions to dinner. There's nothing like having one's own home grown Singapore organic food.

Organic food shops and whole food shops are among the greatest places to hit to bring the latest organic food items. There are great nutritional dietary supplements and food that add to the vivaciousness of well being to the every day life. From selecting organic grains to vegetables and fruits, organic food brings a cleaner and clearer way of life.

Supporting organic farming in pockets or bigger farms will certainly show a decrease in such processing. It is not to be expected that the non seasonal or imported fruits and vegetables remain organic. Organic food and organic product are often those which are found in season they usually have been cultivated according to natural processes. These keep them freed from harmful poisons and bring fullness to their growth. The freshness of an organic juice or fruit is tangible and could be felt in the body. This cannot be compromised with another aspect of life. - 31875

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Food Items That Cause Acid reflux - Eating These Foods Are The Main Factors Behind Heartburn

By Booth Tarkington

Foods that cause angina is something that everyone who is experiencing this painful condition wants to find out about. You need to be conscious of what you eat and which things give you this burning feeling. Remember, that everyone is different, and so the things we eat may react differently to somebody else. In this article I will be giving you a list of a few of these foods that will give you discomfort.

Foods that cause heartburn :

1) Tomatoes and citrus fruits. You need to know that these fruit and vegetables are extremely high in acidity content. These will also increase the amount of acid you create within your belly. In the process, these will increase the likelihood of you getting a burning agony in your chest and throat.

2) You also have to be careful of eating any fried or spicy and hot foods. Again these foods have acidity levels and will give you acid reflux. For instance, if you like eating Italian, Mexican or Indian meals, you are in peril to getting burning chest and esophagus agony.

3) Don't drink alcohol, sodas or drinks with caffeine. Carbonated pop drinks are not an excellent choice to drink. Too drinks with caffeine, such as tea or coffee are similarly as bad.

4) Keep away from foods like eggs, legumes, some nuts, animal fats, plant oils, pasta, meat, pork, processed flour, starches, sugars and chocolate. Eating any of these have led to many individuals to experience burning pain and discomfort.

The most important thing you need to remember is to make sure you keep a book of everything you eat during the day. Keep track of what you eat and also if any of these are causing you discomfort.

You also should control your food portions and how much you eat. Overeating causes your gut to be lengthened and may cause some stomach acid to backup into your esophagus. The same thing with being fat, it causes pressure in your gut and can backup stomach acid also.

In this piece, I shared with you some foods that cause angina. If you truly serious about curing this unpleasant condition, try getting shot of or controlling these food choices! - 31875

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Thoughts Relating To Consuming Coffee During The Night

By June Williams

Where would we be without coffee? No seriously, is there any other drink that could give us that great caffeine boost and taste so good? Starting the day without a cup or two is unthinkable.

The thing is, the boost runs out and your find yourself needing another one, and then another one. If I have to work late and know that I must finish before I can even think of going home, those caffeine drinks are a necessity to make sure I get through it.

I find the evening the hardest part of the day to get through without my caffeine. Saying no as the end of a meal is particularly difficult.

It is recommended that if you want to go to bed at a decent time and have a good night's sleep, you must avoid all kind of caffeine in the evening. Scientific facts seem to back up these claims.

The experts have told us that caffeine will be in your system up to 10 hours after you last consume it. If this information is correct, we shouldn't be drinking any caffeine any later than the afternoon. Everyone is different obviously, but this is the average time that they go off.

I don' t know if you have ever notice, but those who take sugar experience what can only be described as a crash. The odd thing is that this crash might actually aid sleep.

As we are all different, we have really have to work out for ourselves where our cut off point is. This is easily done by having a drink a bit later every day.

Make sure you do this carefully though in stages. Don't jump straight to having your last coffee at 8pm. If this keeps you up all night you will have to drink it all the next day just to stay awake. - 31875

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Healthy Meals Together Improve More Than Just Your Health

By Trish Holfelder

Serving healthy family meals is a great way to feed your family more than just food. Eating with the family has several benefits. Having a healthy meal of course is nutritionally sound. It can also decrease unhealthy eating practices, improve thinking skills, and bring a family closer.

It is natural that eating a healthy meal with your family can improve your health. Researchers have long known that eating healthy is the key to a longer life and physical fitness. Eating a healthy meal can improve your overall mood, give you more energy, and make you feel better in general.

Families that eat together are less likely to eat bad foods. When a person eats alone they are likely to eat junk food, frozen food, or fast food. Serving healthy meals to your family makes you more likely to take care in both eating and preparing the food.

There is a lot of research stating that eating healthy meals with your family improves concentration and can improve school or work performance according to medical experts. Recently there has been a lot of research done in this field and it all points to the same thing. Eating together as a family especially eating healthy improves overall performance.

Eating with your family also means having control over how much and what your family eats. Children learn by copying adult behavior. If your children see you eat healthy then they are more likely to eat healthy themselves. It is only natural to understand that modeling healthy behavior causes your family to have healthy behaviors.

One of the best things about serving healthy dinners to your family is spending time together. Preparing and eating together makes mealtime a bonding time for your family. Talking over dinner can keep your family together and communicating. Since you are cooking anyway why not let your kids help.

Healthy meal planning is very important. Having each meal planned and the things that you need for it already available stops you from making high salt high calorie convenience foods. You can also consider options like preparing a double meal and freezing half of it. Then the next time you are short on time to cook you have a healthy meal waiting for you and your family.

All in all healthy family meals are a wonderful way to keep your family together. Talking over dinner has been proven to help strengthen family ties. It is a great way to make sure your family gets the healthy foods that they deserve. - 31875

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Cooking Skills and You

By Houstan Summerland

If you are a fairly recent cook, you would do well to enhance the quality and the flavor of your cooking as well as that of your dishes. This is possible by paying heed to a few tips that will help in enhancing the quality of your cooking. It is true though not always obvious that a few simple tips can help you improve cooking to a large extent. It is not needed to enroll in a cooking school to become a better cook. If you keep alert and add to your style, you can really enhance the way that you cook.

One of the basic needs is to get a very good knife for the kitchen. Cutting of meat and vegetables becomes much easier using good and apt knives. If you want to get good quality cutting in the kitchen, you would do well to get a good knife and vary the sharpness so that the speed of cutting is well regulated.

Knowing what the best ingredients are important to have a good meal ready. You can use many kinds of imported as well as local spices to spruce up your dishes. You have to know how to differentiate between these to produce better dishes. It is better to go in for those which make your dishes the best. Things like crumbs which are homemade are also ideal for this purpose. The reason is that these provide a better result than stuff which is packaged.

Always go for the one which gives the best taste. You should also go for fresh homemade things like crumbs if possible. They would give you better results than the packaged ones.

Always try to use your hands to check the food. If you are kneading the dough then you must check it with your hands to get the right feel. Other tools which people usually use are toothpick, knives and forks. It is recommended that you should also mix ingredients with your hands to get the best flavor and taste.

Do you use sea salt or table salt? The best answer for your meal is sea salt just because it has a better enhancing taste than the table salt. Always use the appropriate amount of salt for your food irrespective of what is written in the recipe you are following.

When you are sauteing the vegetables make sure that you do not put too many all at once. To get the best flavor you must be able to see the pan bottom. If you put too many vegetables together than the temperature would go down and your vegetables would not get the perfect brown. Always make your pan hot before putting the vegetables for cooking.

If you are able to make good on these tips, you would be able to see how well your dishes shape up. - 31875

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Creative Ideas For Chicken Plates

By Laura Cales

One of our favorite meats is Chicken. It is incredibly versatile, very lean and incredibly tasty.

When starting a new diet, chicken is the meat of choice. You can do so much with it and it provides us with the valuable protein that we need.

If you overcook a Chicken, which many tend to do, it can take on a rather dry consistency, especially if you are eating in as part of a salad etc. If you are getting bored with Chicken, simply try some different recipes to create some great tasting dishes.

Don't make the mistake of not making the effort to experiment, so many of us have ended up loathing a food that was once a firm favorite. By leaving out Chicken and eating other meats instead is increasing your calorie and fat intake which is never a good idea.

I've some healthy suggestions here for different ways to incorporate chicken into some delicious dishes. Some you may have tried before, and if you haven't already, give them a go! You can't beat a dish that is both delicious and healthy.

A favorite dish in my house is chicken with a honey and orange sauce. Add extras to the sauce if you wish, such as almonds or raisins. This is a delicious meal that is sweet yet has a very low fat content. Give your family a treat by making this for them.

Bring a boring chicken salad to life by adding a low fat dressing and tarragon to create a tasty and satisfying dish. Low fat varieties of soured cream or mayonnaise can give this dish richness while still keeping it healthy.

If you, like me, are a fan of Asian cuisine, why not try your chicken with lime and coconut? Throw in some vegetables to if you want. Get out your wok and try some of the dishes that you normally buy as take out. Chicken really should never get boring. - 31875

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Raw Cacao is a Super Health Food

By Gerry Oberton

Chocolate is the new 'Black'. Its making waves in all the health circles, as its health benefits appeal to medical and health practitioners with diverse educations and specialties. Laboratory studies reveal its potent anti-oxidant actions, and 'chocolate parties' reveal a great many other positive effects. We've all seen the surveys where many women would prefer chocolate over sex (this does not seem to be the case in European countries, however); add to this the results of an Italian study mentioning that women who eat chocolate have more sex, and the subject gets a little spicy. Spicy enough even to consider adding a healthy dose of chocolate to your life? Need more reasons? Chocolate makes your bones more dense, it prevents heart disease, its thought to attract abundance, and its full of mood-boosting and intelligence-boosting neurotransmitter precursors. Healthy, wealthy, wise and happy. So it is as easy and eating all the Hershey's bars you can get a hold of? Well, not quite...

It happens that the somewhat controversial 'raw foodists' are right on the mark with this one: it's raw, unroasted, unprocessed chocolate that's the real health food. Really, it's not even called chocolate, but Cacao -- chocolate is the name for the roasted, fat and sugar added product that Willy Wonka makes. (But for the fun of it, we'll keep calling it chocolate. In the long run, it's cool to think you've added 'eating chocolate' to the list of things you do daily that are good for you.) One needs to be careful, too, as raw chocolate is relatively hard to come by. Pricey organic hot cocoa is still roasted and alkalized, changing chocolate's chemistry significantly enough to warrant limiting its intake. You can get raw chocolate online, and it's slowly finding its way onto store shelves. Make sure it says 'raw' or 'cacao' (pronounce 'Ka-', as in cat, 'cow') and not 'cocoa', and should have no other ingredients (though some actual raw chocolate 'candy' can be found in very hip health food stores). Got it? If you still need a little convincing, here's a quick look at the difference between raw and processed chocolates to help you make the switch -- then on to a few recipes.

Energy and stimulation is at the heart of the chocolate experience, but many people are sensitive to chocolate's effects. There are however, significant differences in the alkaloid structures of raw and roasted chocolate. Raw chocolate's stimulation comes primarily from theobromine, which has little anxiety producing effects. Studies by natural wellness professionals and user reports both note that while commercially prepared dark chocolate has a very stimulating action that caffeine sensitive individuals may find too strong, an equivalent amount of raw cacao does not. The stimulating effects are reported mild, gentle, and without a 'crash' that is often associated with caffeine. A reason for mothers to think about creating their own raw chocolate treats for their children, too. The jury is still out on the actual amount if caffeine in raw chocolate; some investigators have found none, some have found small amounts in the 'skin' of the cacao beans, and others of found only small amounts in beans that have fermented somewhat (an indication of a lower-quality cacao). Either way, if you've refrained from chocolate because of it's caffeine content, raw cacao may just be your answer to enjoying this treat again.

Next the question of anti-oxidants. Chocolate has been discovered to have exceptionally high quantities of important polyphenols. A study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry was titled: "Cocoa Has More Phenolic Phytochemicals and Higher Antioxidant Capacity than Teas and Red Wine." It's hard to argue with that. Here again the question of raw arises: One report notes that while roasted chocolate is made up of five-percent antioxidants, raw chocolate contains twice as much at ten percent. Another important note is the addition of milk to make milk chocolate. Research has shown that the addition of milk actually cancels-out the positive effects of chocolate's antioxidants. And milk may be one of the reasons many people seem to be allergic to chocolate, as lactose intolerance is fairly common. Another chocolate myth is some individuals break out when ingesting high amounts; reports indicate that raw chocolate does not cause this response, and that it may be the refined fats and sugars present in most chocolate products producing this effect.

Finally, the question of mood-enhancing neurochemicals and precursors. Chocolate contains significant quantities of the essential amino acid tryptophan. Tryptophan intake has recently been collated with neurogenesis, the development of new brain cells, and both long and short term memory. The presence of tryptophan is critical for the production of serotonin, a primary neurotransmitter associated with mood (Prozac works on the principal of enhancing the action of serotonin). Once in the body tryptophan reacts with vitamins B6 and B3 in the presence of magnesium (all present in raw chocolate) to produce serotonin. Enhanced serotonin function assists in diminishing anxiety and stress - ccording to Dr. Gabriel Cousens, serotonin is literally our "stress-defense shield." Tryptophan is heat sensitive and is often deficient in many cooked-food diets, even when animal protein intake is high. In addition to tryptophan (but not heat sensitive) chocolate also contains PEA, the 'love hormone' and Anandamide the 'bliss chemical'.

Need more be said? Ready for some recipes? The simplest means of eating raw chocolate is snacking on cacao nibs. These are small pieces of cacao beans that mix well with natural granolas or dried fruit. To really get the most benefits, and for the most delicious raw chocolate creations, find yourself a source of raw organic cacao powder. The powder can be added to any drink, or easily made into bars, drops or other shaped candies. The hands-down most common preparation of cacao powder is the hot chocolate drink: Put one heaping tablespoon raw cacao powder, one teaspoon raw agave nectar, and one teaspoon high quality coconut oil in a blender (note that coconut oil quality varies greatly - a good coconut oil should taste pleasant by itself and have no chemical or rancid flavor which would otherwise be noticed in your chocolate drink). Add eight to twelve ounces of hot (but not boiling water) and blend at low speed for about ten seconds. That's it; Chocolate magic that's easily adjusted to your tastes -- experimenting in whatever way comes to mind is highly encouraged.

There are lots and lots of recipes out there, and great reading on raw chocolate's health benefits and preparation. You'll cacao powder often combined with other super nutritious foods in smoothies and good-for-you deserts. Natural organic candies start with the same ingredients as the drinks, but without the liquid. Just make a paste, adding pecans, coconut shavings or whatever you like, and chill to harden. As you're not baking anything, there's little to go awry, and really, so many possibilities. By using raw chocolate, you'll open up a whole new world of cooking for yourself and your family -- and if you hadn't before, you might just find yourself really motivated to treat yourself to natural health and wellness. - 31875

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The Truth Concerning The Acai Berry Healthy Eating Plan

By Marie C Turner

One of the most up-to-date trends to come along in the wellbeing and fitness world lately is the acai berry. You can find information about this little berry on everything from blogs and websites to TV talk shows. There are claims that it is beneficial for everything from weight loss to anti-aging and colon cleansing.

The fact is that the acai berry is one of the most nourishing foods on earth. It has the record Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity or ORAC level of any singular food. It in fact has twice the antioxidant facility of blueberries and even 10 times as much as red grapes.

Yet, it is also accurate that many of the claims being accredited to the acai berry may not be true. There is not any wide-ranging scientific verification that these berries can be a factor to weight loss. However, there have been studies showing that anthocyanins, which are an antioxidant that is profuse in these berries is exceptionally beneficial and contributes to wholesome weight loss in laboratory mice.

The acai berry contains a full range of vital amino acids, healthy fats, antioxidants and fiber. All of these essential nutrients are advantageous for healthy weight loss. Many times our bodies will release unnecessary body fat when we give it first-rate nutrition. The acai berry can contribute exceptional nourishment to our diet plans. There is nothing specific that contributes to colon cleansing contained within the acai berry but the extraordinary nourishment can help our bodies to more naturally eradicate the surplus waste products.

Acai berries may be useful in helping you to jumpstart your fat loss in several ways. The advanced nutrition can give you an energy boost that can help you to be more energetic. As your dietary needs are met you may go through fewer cravings and mood swings. It may be easier to stick to a good for you diet and exercise every day.

The superior nutrition from these berries can help you to get enhanced sleep,which is helpful in weight loss. It can also be an help to digestion, which can help your body to let go waste and toxins more resourcefully, which can assist in weight loss.

Even without exclusive scientific facts there are many people who have had enormous victory with weight loss by adding acai berry and acai berry products to their diet plan. The superb nutritional worth of these berries can be beneficial to your body and may very well lead to loss of weight and body fat. Your body will benefit from the nourishment whether you really lose pounds or not.

There have been a number of people who have had vast success with weight loss from the acai berry diet, even without the evidence of scientific studies. The elevated nutrition that is received from these berries can be helpful to your body whether you actually lose weight or not. - 31875

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Healthy Living With Proper Dieting

By Paulo Princer

There are innumerable kinds of foods that are present on the earth that we live in. However it makes sense to know that not al foods are exactly healthy. That is why you should be careful to only consume those items that are nutritious as well as beneficial for health. Proper food also helps you skin to glow in addition to promoting good health. This is an article focused on talking about some of the foods that are very healthy and which should be consumed on a daily basis. Eating these will help save you from some of the most dangerous diseases around.

This is beneficial to not only your health but would also add glow to your skin. This article is aimed at helping to give you some information on some of the healthiest food items that you can ingest. Eating these foods is also a safe and sure way to keep many diseases at bay.

Some of the best fruits to be eaten are avocados, apricots, cranberry, tomato, figs, lemons and cantaloupe. Some of the diseases that these fruits help to protect you from include cancer, high cholesterol, fat, heart diseases, skin dehydration, anemia, water retention issues and also common flu.

You also should consume good amounts of vegetables in order to preserve your body from harm as well as danger. Some of the best vegetables in this connection are onions, artichokes, broccoli, spinach, ginger watercress and arugula.

If you look at vegetables, like fruits, these are also very nutritious food items which help your body to remain healthy as well as free from disease. Some of the best vegetables that you can consume are artichokes, onions, garlic, broccoli, spinach, arugula and also watercress. The benefits of consuming vegetables are too numerous to count. In fact, it keeps your body devoid any harmful toxins while supplying nutrition to the body.

Vegetables are helpful as they help to provide your food with nutrition instead of filling it with chemicals and toxins. Apart from fruits and vegetables you can also consume grains, nuts and beans that are so very beneficial for your body and its nutrition. While wheat gram prevents muscular pain, lentils keep breast cancer away and heart diseases, with brown rice being a rich source of protein, iron and magnesium.

When you consume seafood which is known as white meat you get a ready supply of iron and magnesium as well. Shellfish is beneficial in supporting brain and nerves, salmon has fatty acids that help to protect from heart diseases while crabs help in fighting internal and external germs as it helps to boost your immunity system.

While there are some types of foods that you should eat, you should not avoid other kinds of fruits and vegetables. Most food types have some benefit or the other to offer your body and you would do well to include these food items in your diet in order to lead a healthy life. - 31875

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All Natural Best Acne Treatments - Have You Tried This Treatment?

By Linda Robison

Have you been searching for natural homemade acne treatments? Well, look no further. Here you'll find out about the best natural remedies for acne; that are chemical free. The editors of Natural Old Home Remedies have found and tried several natural herbal remedies for acne. The benefits of natural acne cures are endless, but most important they are free of toxic medications. Click here to learn How To Have Healthy Skin.

At Natural-Old-Home-Remedies.com you'll find homemade cleansers, facials, and homemade acne treatments that can easily made from ingredients found in your own kitchen. Making your own natural remedies for acne can help you avoid side effects and the high cost of prescription acne medicine.

Natural Acne Cures - Cleanse Acne starts when excess oil and bacteria clog up the pores. Keeping the skin clean and the pores open is very important. But toom many people - in an attempt to get rid of their acne - over-wash the skin leaving it dried out. This in turn causes even more oil production, and more breakouts. That's why you MUST use a pH balanced, soothing herbal type face wash that is gentle.

In addition to a pH balanced cleanser, you need to exfoliate to get rid of dead skin cells and clear open the pores. One great natural facial scrub is a combination of baking soda and water or sugar and water. Mix small amounts of water to a handful of sugar or baking soda until you have a paste-like consistency. Lightly massage this paste all over your face about once week. Your skin will feel incredible! This is also great for acne scar healing and reducing the appearance of fine lines. It is advisable to test this out on a small area of skin first and see how it reacts.

Homemade Acne Treatments - Facial Masks Facial masks can be very healing for acne prone skin. Here is one to try if you have oily skin: Oily Skin - Egg White Lemon Acne Mask - Beat two egg whites. Then add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. - Use a cotton ball to apply this mask where you have acne breakouts. Let it dry, then rinse it off with cool water. - Apply a specially formulated acne moisturizer if your face feels dry.

Dry Skin - Pineapple Honey Acne Mask Many people don't realize that acne prone skin can also be dry. This type of skin can be very difficult to deal with because applying too much oil and you can aggravate the skin. Try this very unusual, yet healing cleansing mask. This mask uses honey and pineapple - which both contain natural enzymes that exfoliate dead skin cells and clean the pores without over drying. Honey is also a great oil free moisturizer. Click here for this great Dry Skin Pineapple Honey Acne Mask recipe. This mask can be used by anyone who wants a great glowing skin. Once you try this ...... You'll love it and be totally hooked!

Severe Acne Treatment - Use Salicylic Acid Acne While all natural treatments are great sometimes we all need a more convenient natural acne treatment that we use daily or when we travel. Consider using a natural sugar based glycolic/salicylic acid acne treatment daily. These acids are very powerful (yet still gentle to the skin) in dissolving clogged pores, excess oils and reducing whiteheads/blackheads. They can also help to minimize pores and wrinkles/fine lines, and stimulate collagen production. Visit Natural Old Home Remedies for more information. - 31875

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Need A Nutritional Boost? Coconut Delivers

By Gerry Oberton

The coconut is a beautiful gift to the peoples of the world. The Sanskrit language calls the coconut palm 'kalpa vriksah,' meaning that it is a plant which gives everything one needs to survive. The coconut is an old tree and a distant relative of grasses, and its meat, water and oil have been used for nutrition and health by many cultures. In India in particular, the coconut has been used extensively in Ayurvedic medicine, a system which has inspired aromatherapists, nutritionists and naturopaths the world over.

Taking almost nine months to filter each liter of water in its shell, the coconut is an amazing natural water filter. The water is pulled up through micro-fibers which purify it before it ends in the actual nut of the coconut. This clear life-giving fluid isone of the highest sources of electrolytes found in all of nature. Coconut water is a great re-hydrator and makes an ideal sports drink. When we consume a drink consisting of 55% fresh coconut water and 45% fresh green-leaf juice, or blue-green algaes, we create for ourselves an instantaneous infusion of life energy.

In the inquiry on healthy versus unhealthy fats, coconut oil tips the scales in terms of its nutritional value. While it is a saturated fat, not all saturated fats are harmful for us. Coconut oil is cholesterol-free and does not change into a trans-fat, which means it can be used at high heat. It has also been shown that coconut oil is more powerful than olive oil in controlling cholesterol. Also, because it is a medium-chain fatty acid, it is easier for the body to digest, meaning the fat can be used more readily as fuel.

Coconut oil is one of nature's most versatile and health-enhancing fats. Studies show that coconut oil supports the health of the thyroid gland, which regulates thenecessary anti-aging steroids progesterone, DHEA and pregnenolone. These steroids are required to help prevent heart disease, senility, obesity, cancer and other degenerative diseases associated with aging. Coconut oil also contains capryllic acid as well as lauric acid, both of which are anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-microbial. It has long been known that caprilyc acid is the most potent yeast-fighting substance, making it an excellent choice for those working with releasing candida and other inner ecology imbalances. Transitioning to coconut oil as one's fat source also helps to normalize blood sugar levels while increasing energy, building a healthy immune and nervous system and reducing the overall stress on one's body. It is necessary to note that a 'therapeutic dose' of coconut oil consists of daily doses of two to three (or more) tablespoons for an adult.

Cooking with coconut oil is a delightful way to introduce this supplement into your life. Try using it instead of margarine, butter or other vegetable oils. Also, consider using fresh coconuts that are not too old (i.e., forgo the coconut shavings and buy a whole coconut instead).The flesh is primarily fat, and it can be chopped and eaten with fruit for a delectable treat. Coconut oil is also great as an oil for veggies, tossed into your morning smoothie or slathered on bread with spices or preserves. If you're looking for a way to enhance oats or rice, coconut oil adds a special note to a normally humble dish.

Repairing and nourishing to the skin, coconut oil has been used for thousands of years as a skin moisturizer because it is ideal for all skins types, including dry, rough and wrinkled skin. Aromatherapy uses two types of coconut oil: fractionated and virgin. Virgin coconut oil is solid at room temperature and blends well with essential oils for a thick, nourishing body oil, which does not leave a greasy feel. The same oil that is used in cooking can be used in body care products. Fractionated coconut is a liquid oil that is made when the coconut molecule is cut to a smaller size. This process does not deplete the oil's healthy qualities, but instead allows us to use coconut oil in a liquid state - an excellent quality in massage applications. Also, fractionated coconut absorbs quickly, does not have a coconut odor and has an extremely long shelf life, all pluses in many situations. Coconut is also blended with other carrier oils, such as jojoba, to create a luscious cream base. Creating your own body care items with coconut oil and essential oils is a lovely, and easy, way to enhance your personal health.

One more thing about the fabulous coconut: this oil is great for use in sexual play. Both the taste and smell of coconut add to the delights of intercourse. A great way to experience coconut is by mixing it with vanilla and cacao oils. Smooth this concoction over your lover's skin and enjoy.

In terms of versatility, the coconut is a marvel of nature and a perfect oil to work with in aromatherapy and nutritional healing. It can be used in body work, cooking and skin care, and its radiance is highlighted when complemented with essential oils. Use it in any form and expect results - the coconut has long been our friend, and its beneficial qualities continue to be discovered and cherished the world over. - 31875

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A List Of Foods That Healthy Dogs Should Not Be Fed

By Chris Channing

You can feed a dog just about anything, and odds are, the dog will eat it up without thinking twice. This is a cause of concern for pet owners, as there are many types of foods that will do damage to the health of a dog. It's important to learn which foods should be avoided to keep dogs healthy.

Garlic and onions, and anything that may contain them, should not be given to dogs. Onion and garlic can damage the red blood cells of both cats and dogs. This includes any raw ingredients, powders, and products that have been prepared with trace amounts of either substance. An example would be with baby food, which often contains a trace amount of either garlic or onion for flavoring purposes.

If raw foods such as onion and garlic can cause harm, then of course artificial foods and sweeteners can too! Xylitol is an example of an artificial sweetener that has been known to induce liver failure in dogs when consumed. Xylitol is found in a variety of consumer products, but is easily spotted on the ingredients list for those that want to know what they can feed their dog.

Some dogs are able have dairy, while others will have digestive problems with any type of dairy products. You could try to use a small bit of dairy in the diet of your dog, and see if digestive problems result to determine if your dog has an aversion. In most cases you may find that your dog is fine with dairy, but if your dog has sudden diarrhea, it's possible that there may be digestive problems.

One of the biggest wrongs that pet owners could engage in would be to give a dog caffeine or chocolate. Chocolate is known to have caffeine in it, and the caffeine can quickly cause nervous system problems and heart problems. Caffeine may also speed up the heart of the dog, which could cause a serious problem if the dog gets worked up and uses the extra energy to run around. No chocolate or caffeine at all should ever be given to a dog.

Overall, you must look after your dog and the diet he or she eats. Even feeding a dog table scraps is a poor choice, as dogs need a well-balanced diet to stay healthy. This is also why it is bad for a dog to eat cat food, which some dogs do, as cat food is usually higher in protein and fats than what a dog actually needs in his or her diet.

In Conclusion

Feeding a dog is a science. You have to show responsibility in caring for your dog, and brush up on other foods that you should not feed to him or her. Otherwise you may cause unintentional harm to your dog, and in some cases, could face actual legal charges. - 31875

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Look Around For Junk Food Snacks In A Couch

By Aimee Jones

This is a call to anyone who likes candy. In case you prefer to save your life, you should possibly stop eating candy as often as you do. It's producing you fat. It is generating you stupid, and most of all it's producing your whole life sort of a mess. To have your attention now?

Snack food and candy is so prevalent in today world that you can go to a store like Wal-Mart and not see rows upon rows of what amounts to just plain candy. With internal bars, even though those are supposed to be healthy. The are really kind of the candy snack.

Even energy drinks and energy bars that are supposed to be healthy and improve athletic performance are just another kind of candy too. Gatorade, the most widely used used sports drink in existence other than maybe water is full of high for the score and syrup and sugar. Actually, it doesn't have much sugar because they use so much corn syrup instead.

These points have like a detrimental effect on her health of our life and our pocket book that it's causing significant problems for our country. Yet, they're so cheap in seemingly inoffensive on their own. It is hard to say that they're the trouble even if they really are. Men and women just don't desire to hear that.

So, have you ever thought about how much wrapping tape or an extra garbage is generated by snack food and junk food? Think about something as popular soda pop. Coca-Cola and Pepsi alone are probably responsible billions of aluminum cans that end up in line landfills that surround our cities across the entire country and maybe even the world. Even worse, the amount of plastic that is used for pop bottles. Now is so much that we are stuck with millions of pounds of junk that, can't you be easily recyclable.

Inside the end, even though Candy seems like a genuinely cheap thing. It actually has extremely negative consequences on our whole ecosystem. Should you factor from the volume of trash. The volume of damaging health effects, and the quantity of other complications caused by candy in sweeteners, you start to realize that it is just a definitely big problem.

In fact, it's such a dilemma that the government has at various times even sought to create attacks on such points. Now, I'm not one to say whether or not, that would be a good idea, but I will say that it is significantly affecting individuals in a negative way. Based on that, I can't say that it is the worst idea I've ever heard. - 31875

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Which Is How Most Weight Loss Surgeries Work

By Ines Danner

Are you interested in losing weight? If you are, how much weight would you like to lose? If you are looking to lose eighty pounds or more in weight, did you know that you may be a candidate for weight loss surgery?

More importantly, you may be wondering if weight loss surgery is worth the money. If that is a question that you would like answered, you will want to continue reading on.

While that may not have necessarily been the answer that you were looking for, it is the truth. For many individuals, weight loss surgery is well worth it; however, there are others who don?t end up benefiting from weight loss surgery. To determine if weight loss surgery is worth the cost to you, personally, you will want to take a number of factors into consideration.

One of the many factors that you will want to take into consideration, when determining if weight loss surgery is worth the cost for you, is your weight. You will find that many weight loss surgeons require that you are at least eighty pounds overweight to undergo weight loss surgery. With that in mind, you may be able to find a surgeon who will make an exception, but that doesn?t necessarily mean that you should opt for surgery. If you are able to try to lose the weight on your own, through the use of exercise, eating healthy, or diet pills, you may find it more affordable to do so.

Weight loss surgery is commonly referred to as a lifesaving medical procedure. Those who are severely obese put their health at risk and may experience an early death. If you are severely obese, your physician may recommend weight loss surgery. If that is the case, weight loss surgery is more than worth the costs, as you cannot put a price tag on your health and wellbeing.

Weight loss surgery may help you lose weight right away, but the surgery alone will not help you lose weight. With a reduced stomach pouch, which is how most weight loss surgeries work, you must limit the amount of food that you eat. If you do not do so, you may gain your weight back and possibly endanger your health. If you do not think that you can follow all of the instructions given to you, following a weight loss surgery, surgery may not be the best option for you.

The above mentioned factors are just a few of the many that can help you decide if weight loss surgery is right for you or if it is worth the cost. As a reminder, it is important that you take the time to first consult with your doctor. Not all individuals are candidates for weight loss surgery. - 31875

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The Joy Of Collecting Recipes

By Adriana Noton

Recipes are used for making that special dish for the first time, enhancing a meal that you have made many times but now want to change, or for just adding to a marvelous collection of ideas for meals for the future.

A recipe can consist of only two ingredients or so many you cannot even fit them on your countertop. It can be as simple as simply stirring, or very complex, like dredging in flour, then dipping into a beaten egg, then covering with bread crumbs, quick-frying and then finally baking the port chop. Yes, for a simple port chop. But many times you will find that the more effort you put forth in preparing the meal, the better it tastes in the end.

Most cooks have several very important ingredients that are put in almost every dinner recipe they make. These may be onions and garlic. Or perhaps herbs like thyme and basil, or a combination of Italian seasonings. This same cook may also have ingredients in the cupboard that he or she bought for one special meal on an occasion, and it has been sitting in that cupboard ever since. This might be liquid smoke, or fenugreek.

Perhaps the greatest experiments with recipes are those from other countries. You can try something Greek, like moussaka, or Italian, like lasagna, or East Indian, like lamb korma, or Mexican, like carne asada tacos.

You will find that the main difference between the different ones of various countries is the spices they use. In Greece, they use a lot of cinnamon on their meat to sweeten it up. Italians like their tomato sauced spiced up with oregano, basil, and thyme, among other spices. In India, the use of turmeric, cumin and coriander go far. Mexicans use a lot of cayenne and chili powder. And the list goes on.

You will discover that the joy of collecting healthy recipes will easily take over your book shelves. You will have recipe books on fish, steak, potatoes, desserts, casserole dishes, meatless meals, poultry, crepes, Christmas, and wok cooking, to name a few. Then there are the recipe magazines that will overwhelm you. And do not forget about the recipes you cut out from the newspaper, because you know you are going to try them some day.

You can stumble on collections in thrift shops. These are from clubs that people were members of and received them monthly and put them in binders. Or you will run across other types of collections that resemble a set of encyclopedias. There are annual collection recipe books for the year. And you would not want to pas up some of those really old cook books. They usually have a couple of really great classic formulas that you thought you would never find. Then there is the kind of collection that can drive a cook crazy, when they put them all in the index box. The best thing about these 4x6 inch cards is that you do not have to mess with a book closing on you while cooking.

Yes, you can collect recipes your whole life, fill an entire room with recipes. But the best cooks in the world do not even use them. - 31875

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How to Make Provence Food Items

By Pierre Fontaine

Agriculture is the backbone of Provence, a part of the southern France by virtue of the Mediterranean climate it enjoys and the effective natural light which is very much favourable to it that it provides to our tongue various tastes laden in their different types of local food.

Olive oil, garlic and tomatoes are chiefly used in the food preparations of Provence. If you see the legend 'a la provenciale' on the menu card provided in the hotels of France, you realize that the item is made with garlic and seasoned tomatoes.

The use of vegetables like onions and courgettes, squash and eggplant is quite common in the preparations of food items of Provence and all of them grow rapidly in Provence.

One of the most known food recipes to come from Provence is ratatouille. This is a stew made with tomatoes, eggplant, green herbs, green peppers and garlic.

Usually the food of Provence is accompanied by a special regionally produced sauce known as aioli, which is a mix of mayonnaise and freshly crushed garlic spread on vegetables like asparagus as well as eggs and cod fish. Otherwise, people of Provence like to eat their vegetables by dipping them in anchovy cream.

The most commonly preferred food in Provence is the soup by name Bouillabaisse which is culled out of three types of fish and which is cooked in an onion-saffron-tomato-herb broth. The herbs used in the preparation are mainly thyme, sage and bay leaf.

Even though a soup, bouillabaisse is eaten as a main course in Provence usually served with toast and a spicy sauce known as rouile. Marseille is believed to have the best bouillabaisse in Provence.

Soupe au pistou is another starter food supplied in Provence and it is very famous and is made of vegetables, beans, noodles and basel.

Although not known as manufacturer of the dairy products like the regional French food of Normandy, Provence does fruitfully produce high quality goat-cheese. The favourite food in winter is the beef stew coupled with cold pate in Provence. - 31875

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See The Truth And The Advantages Of Acai Berry Supplements

By Lisa J Anderson

If you explore the Internet you can find supplements that are being promoted for everything from weight loss and acne to anti-aging and disease avoidance. Unfortunately, many of these nutritional supplements are utterly inadequate.

The dietary supplement marketplace can be a very lucrative industry. The truth is that many individuals are searching for a immediate fix when it comes to troubles and of course, what could be more simple than taking a supplement that will resolve all of your problems? However, no singular supplement can work out all of your troubles, as there are always many causative components.

Acai berry supplements have been marketed for everything from weight loss to anti-aging to disease prevention. However, the truth is that there have not been any actual studies on the efficacy of the genuine acai berry for any of these ailments. So what is the fact with reference to acai berries?

The advantage of the acai berry and its related supplements is that it is a organically occurring food that is located on the acai palm tree in the Brazilian rainforest. Just like a blueberry, a cranberry, a raspberry and other well-known fruits, the acai berry has intrinsic nourishment that makes it healthy and beneficial.

In actuality, the acai berry is one of the most nutritious fare ever grown on the earth. It has the utmost antioxidant capacity of any singular fare and it is also encumbered with nourishing fats, vitamins and minerals and fiber. All of these dietary elements can help your body for weight loss, anti-aging, sickness prevention and more.

However, not all acai berry products are constructive. Right now it is not feasible to obtain fresh acai berries farther than of Brazil. These berries are very perishable and they must be processed within 24 hours of being picked from the tree in order to protect the critical nutrition. The method used for processing significantly effects the dietetic value of the final product.

There are a few choices to process the berries, but at this point in time the most valuable manner is through a freeze-drying process. If your acai berry product has been processed in any other way you are not receiving the greatest levels of the critical nutrition that are critical for the utmost advantage.

An added essential factor when picking an acai berry product is the quantity of definite acai enclosed in the product. There are products out there that declare to be acai but in fact hold less acai than other products such as grape or pear juice. Also, some products include a "proprietary blend", in which case it is entirely unfeasible to verify the concrete sum of acai berry.

As a result, while acai berry products can be exceedingly valuable, you may not be getting the full potential advantage unless you are very discerning with the product that you are purchasing. If you want the peak degree of advantages you will need to examine the label and know precisely what you are purchasing. - 31875

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What The Supplement Companies Don't Want You To Know

By Katherine Crawford, M.S.

More than 50% of people in the US take dietary supplements to enhance an aspect of their health. Maybe you take supplements on a regular basis...

In fact, over 20 billion dollars per year is spent on vitamins, minerals, herbs and other assorted pills. As you can see, the supplement industry is booming.

Unfortunately, a lot of what is sold to the public is under the umbrella of deceptive advertising. We are talking about fake pictures and ridiculous testimonials. Even worse, some supplements are extremely unhealthy.

So here are common misconceptions you need to know about dietary supplements:

1. Dietary supplements are 100% safe: Absolutes don't exist and supplements are no exception here. In fact, just because a supplement is natural is no guarantee that it's completely safe. The reality is that many things exist in nature that are deadly.

2. They are backed by valid studies: Most of the sexy charts and graphs you see on the labels and advertisements are made up. You see, the bulk of the data is performed by biased entities that are directly related to the supplement companies themselves.

3. They take your health as a top priority: There is a lot of money to be made selling supplements. And when there is so much money at stake, it is very easy for companies to lose sight of ethics. And the supplement industry is no exception here.

4. The placebo effect doesn't exist: The placebo effect is real, very real. So just because someone you know swears by a supplement, doesn't mean that it's safe. Simply taking a sugar pill can make 40% of a group feel an improvement. Now 40% is a huge number. This makes sense, however, since our minds have such great control over our bodies.

I recommend staying on the safe side here. And the best way to do this is to only take supplements that have undergone peer reviewed research. You see, peer reviewed research is the closest we can get to the truth. And with the truth you will be better informed as to what decisions are right for your health. - 31875

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Make Your Nervous System Stronger So That You Can Exercise Harder

By Katherine Crawford, M.S.

The more intense your workouts, the more weight you will lose. And the level of intensity you can achieve is directly controlled by how hard your muscles can exercise.

Your muscles, however, must answer to someone further up the food chain-your nervous system. Thus, keeping your nervous system healthy is a great strategy for making sure you can lose as much fat as possible from your workouts.

So here is how to make your nervous system stronger so that you can exercise harder:

1. Train for speed: Although training for speed isn't the best modality for fat loss, it will allow your muscles to move more weight down the road which will result in more overall fat loss. The key here is to use light weights with lightening speed without sacrificing form. Do this every once in a while and you will train your nervous system to fire your muscles rapidly.

2. Get blood to your brain: Most things originate in the brain. Thus, making sure sufficient blood is getting to your brain is key for peak nervous system performance. One easy way to do this is by taking aspirin. Now aspirin becomes more beneficial the older you get.

3. Directly train your nervous system: One way to accomplish this is by doing lots of balance training. I recommend, however, only doing balance training once in a while. Because if you go overboard here, you will not lose as many calories from each workout.

4. Feed your nerves: Just like any other part of your body, your nerves need food to grow and stay strong. And the main food they use is fat. You see, healthy fats make up the linings that protect your nerves and make sure they can send electrical signals throughout your body.

5. Keep stress at bay: Not only does stress affect your emotional state, but it also can burn out your nervous system. So make sure you have some type of daily routine that enables the management of your stress. Some people do really well with meditation, others prefer to talk with close friends.

Now the key here is to take action on this information quickly so that you can start seeing the benefits to your nervous system. And then you will be able to exercise harder and lose more weight. - 31875

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Are You Making The Following Arm Toning Mistakes?

By Katherine Crawford, M.S.

From the food industry's perspective, profit comes before your health. This is just the way it is. It seems as though they are conspiring against your arm fat mission. If only you could see the things I have unearthed during my career.

Unknown to most women, a very LARGE quantity of what the food industry sells you is very unhealthy. And in some cases, they market the unhealthy as being healthy. Combine this with some bad food preparation practices and you have a recipe for arm fat galore.

And most women simply do not know how to navigate all the information out there. Unless you have an advanced degree in watch-dog-nutrition, it's impossible to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Thus, here are 4 big no no's when losing arm fat:

1. Charring food. If you cook something till the point that it's very black, then expect an increase in colon cancer risk. There is NO reason to blacken food. So try to avoid over-barbecuing things and definitely avoid frying things.

2. Deli cuts. Deli cuts are so convenient, but they are also so bad. You see, they contain nitrates, substances that have been shown to increase colon cancer. So stay away from lunch meats and stick with healthier sources of protein. Your arms and body will thank you for it.

3. Overdosing with sweeteners. Get rid of fat arms the healthy way and do NOT consume large amounts of sweeteners. One study showed a 30% increase in cancer from very high sweetener intake. Only use sweeteners in moderation. Also, many products you consume on a regular basis already have sweeteners in them.

4. Water shock. Ok, what I'm referring to here is the all too common practice of only drinking water in single sittings. You see, in order to stay properly hydrated you have to drink small amounts of water in between meals throughout the entire day.

Losing arm fat shouldn't be accompanied by unnecessary health risks. In fact, the whole process can be extremely healthy and very manageable. The key is to know what to avoid and what not to avoid. Getting toned arms can be fun and safe!

One more thing: you have to act on this information in order for it to be of any value. So please do not procrastinate and take action. - 31875

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Find Acai Berry With Resveratrol

By Rachel Flowers

Resveratrol has recently been touted as an amazing anti-aging antioxidant. Resveratrol is a material that is found in big quantities in red wine, grape juice and grape skins and many types of berries including blueberries and the acai berry. Resveratrol belongs to a group of nutrients called polyphenols, which are robust antioxidants that are usually found in the maximum abundance in the skins of particular fruits and the pigments of others.

In an anti-aging show on Oprah, Dr. Oz even mentioned that he had such faith in the anti-aging effectiveness of this matter that he would even urge supplements of this antioxidant. On the other hand, he also stated that there have yet to be any direct scientific experiments on humans and he did not give a express backing of any product but rather just stated his trust that this influential antioxidant has great anti-aging and health-promoting advantages.

Red wine provides a excellent supply of resveratrol and it has been considered that this may be one of the central reasons for the French Paradox. The French tend to consume high-fat foods yet they also are likely to have the benefit of better health including a reduced amount of cardiovascular diseases and other diseases. The reasons for this disproportion in wellbeing between the French and persons from other cultures in the world have long been considered.

Most of the exploration that has been accomplished on resveratrol has been on animals instead of humans. Many times a benefit found in the animal studies is later found to have a related effect on humans, however since there have yet to be studies on humans, it is unknown at this time how the advantages will translate to humans.

In the experimental studies on mice, the groups that were given resveratrol were more protected from obesity and diabetes. Both obesity and diabetes are tough risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Nevertheless, it is very interesting to note that in order to realize the same levels of resveratrol that the mice were given, a human being would have to consume as many as 100 to 1000 bottles of red wine on a daily basis, which is unfeasible not to mention that all of the advantages would be cancelled out due to the detrimental effects of excessive alcohol.

Added research shows that resveratrol could be helpful in reducing inflammation and blood clotting, both of which can be a risk factor for heart disease. More examination is needed to know if this antioxidant was responsible for the reduced risk or if it could be another factor or combination of factors.

Even without the help of confirmed controlled studies, lots of experts are recommending supplementation with resveratrol because of the likely benefits. You can take a supplement or you can also get resveratrol from including good for you food in your day after day diet.

Red wine, grape juice, grapes, blueberries, cranberries and all of the acai berry products all have large amounts of resveratrol along with a host of other nutrition that can work together synergistically. Including these good for your health foods in your day after day food intake can be exceedingly valuable. - 31875

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Free Low Carbohydrate Diet

By Michael James

Due to our busy lives we often forget to plan healthy, nutritious meals. As a result of this, we end up piling on excess weight. Some people in many countries around the world are now becoming more health conscious and they are always on the look out for good diets that will help them to reach their ideal weight. Many of us who would definitely benefit from a free low carb diet rather than just gaining more and more weight.

For the extremely busy person with no time to go to gyms or health spas, having access to a free low carb diet and the details that will make it work is a great benefit. Normally, we have to join a slimming club in order to gain the maximum benefits of slimming, but the Internet has a huge availability of free low carb diet links that you can look at in order to slim down.

As with any diet or exercise regimen that you choose to start on, you should get your doctor's approval on whether the low carb diet is good for the lifestyle that you maintain. When you do start on a free low carb diet you should check out which type of low carb diet is going to provide you the results that you want. It is also desirable that you should be able to maintain this free low carb diet once you have reached your goal weight.

With all of the low carb diets going around, there are many choices that you can delve into. For the person on the go, who needs a quick pick-me-up or a breakfast alternative, there are low carb products available that fill this niche. There are snacks, nutritious shakes and carb counters that will help you count the amount of carbs your food has.

You can discover lots of fantastic low carb recipes to try out on any of the free low carb diet links that you will find. These low carb recipes are delicious-looking and they taste great too. In addition to, the recipes for everything from breakfast to snacks to dinner and appetizers, you will also be able to plan your weekly free low carb diet meal so that doing the shopping is simple.

Because there are so many different kinds of free low carb diet plans that you can look into, you may want to take your time in picking a good one. See if you can find a low carb diet that is sensible and works with your lifestyle.

Having access to many low carb diet recipes is a benefit for the busy individual. With all of these great plus-points to be found, you might not even realize that you're supposed to be following a free low carb diet! - 31875

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Xtend Life Vitamins For A Younger You

By Xylene Belita

Aging is a topic which is mostly frowned upon not just by elderly people, but by young individuals as well. With the rapid increase in pollution, processed foods at our fingertips, and a sedentary lifestyle, it makes extended life a moot point. In many cases, some efforts to keeping a healthy lifestyle become feigned attempts especially when eating habits and exercise regimens seem like a chore. The best supplement to take is the Xtend Life Vitamins for a better and fresh YOU.

At a younger state, aging is not a major concern because we get to experience living a full life. Later on, when we begin to lose energy and battle with different symptoms associated with illnesses brought about in old age makes one consider the steps you should have taken to keep a healthy body. To put off these crippling effects, measures should be taken while we are able.

In a growing competitive market, availability of various anti-aging methods is now within reach. Clinical treatments are helpful for those who specifically want to reduce traces of aging, while other health products and practices have promised to give an over-all healthy alternative that do not require invasive treatments.

It is beneficial when people try to eat a balanced diet yet, this is not sufficient in giving the body the complete nutrients it needs. Xtend Life vitamins are a valuable source in providing the body with the required energy to perform its function at its finest. Vitamins, being the regulators of mineral metabolism are requisite in order for us to keep healthy and free from harmful disorders.

With xtend life vitamins, physical deterioration is delayed and the body has a longer term of defense against disease. It is recommended that to achieve these advantages the body should get a daily dose of this supplement. This is not too hefty a task considering the long term advantages the body gets to achieve.

It acts as the bodys helper in performing its many functions which makes you can obtain a younger look, enjoy a longer life and a healthy body. All it requires is a sensible habit, Xtend Life Vitamins. - 31875

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