Excellent Diet Food Delivery

By Laura Watts

Weight loss using the right foods will help you if it is great health and a fantastic shape you are seeking as many of them actively help the reduction of body fat formation. In fact there are a number of categories of food that can help maintain weight and allow you to actually enjoy your diet.

You should try meals that have a variety of vegetables and although all will be good for you there are some that are better when it comes to weight loss like peas, boiled beans, cabbage and brussels. Tomato sauce is actually better for you than tomatoes but if you add this to a portion of spaghetti and perhaps mix it with some veal which is also low in fat you have a highly nutritious low fat, great tasting meal.

White fish has long been known to be healthy but it is also good for weight maintenance as well especially if you have this with vegetables that have been steamed and even mash potatoes have a low calorie count. You can even eat fresh sweet cheese providing it is low fat but yoghurt; porridge and even dark rice are healthy weight loss foods.

Of course fruit and vegetables should not even have to be mentioned but almost all of them have beneficial effects on the system and are foods that help with weight loss. For instance, water melons may be primarily water but they are still very good for the health of the metabolism as are kiwi fruit and strawberries.

Grapes can also be good but bananas and figs actually contain high amounts of calories although bananas are an excellent fuel source when you are carrying out physical activity. Of course vegetables are mainly made up of water but also contain amounts of healthy nutrients and minerals plus large quantities can be eaten without weight gain so the likes of tomatoes, cucumber, celery, lettuce are all good weight loss foods.

Grapes are often the fist fruit of choice when visiting a sick friend in hospital and there is good reason for this as they are very healthy but fruits to avoid owing to their higher calorie count are bananas and figs. Of course vegetables are mainly made up of water but also contain amounts of healthy nutrients and minerals plus large quantities can be eaten without weight gain so the likes of tomatoes, cucumber, celery, lettuce are all good weight loss foods. - 31875

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Top 10 Holiday Eating Tips That Will Help You Burn Calories

By Dorthy Weatherbush

Much like the Christmas tree and the jingle bells, holiday parties are as much a part of this time of year as Santa Claus and reindeer. Although many people use this as an excuse to over indulge themselves, it doesn't have to be that way for you. Get ready, because you're about to discover the 10 best ways to eat during this holiday and actually loose weight.

10) The simplest thing that you can do this holiday season to curb your overeating is to stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water daily and especially before that holiday get together. You will feel fuller faster and be less likely to overindulge.

9) Eat before you go! When attending the many holiday dinners and parties take the time to eat a healthy snack. When you do not go hungry, you will be less likely to over indulge.

8) Eat smaller portions. Rather than going through the buffet line with a normal plate, why not take a moment and grab one of the smaller cake plates. The reduction in plate size will limit how much you can pile on and will still allow you to enjoy without feeling bloated and heavy.

7) Never miss a meal. I realize this may sound strange but it is so true. Many people think they are doing themselves a favor by skipping lunch or breakfast because they feel they are saving room for the big dinner party that night. This is so far from the truth it is not even funny. Keep your daily routine and consider a doggie bag if you are too full by party time.

6) Try something new for the holidays. Instead of making tons of pies and candies, look up some healthy alternatives. Choose a healthy exotic treat of fresh fruits instead.

5) Add more physical activity to your holiday routine. Parties and dinners are fun events during this time of the year but when you can add some ice-skating, sledding, or a walk with friends to the mix.

4) Keep up the good work. If you are like most people, you will use the free time you have during this time of year to rest and cut back when in reality that is the worst thing you could do. Don't be guilty of abandoning your workout routine for a life of leisure.

3) Create a plan of attack. Going to a holiday dinner or party without a plan is like going into battle without a strategy. Before you arrive, think about the types of foods that you like and decide ahead of time what one delicacy you'll delight yourself with. This way you will not feel bad about eating what you like but you will know exactly when you've gone too far.

2) Burn fat by building muscle. The quickest way to destroy fat is by building muscle yet many of us refuse to do any "heavy lifting" during this time of year. Sure you could opt for some over priced personal trainer but why not just give that holiday turkey a lift.

1) Let loose and hang out. While this is a time for family and friends to celebrate each other, it can also become a time when we get burned out from trying to be all things to all people. Take some time for yourself and breathe. This is your time to rest as well as serve.

And there you have it, the top ten holiday eating tips that will keep you fit and trim. Look at that, you don't have to wait for the new year to get started trimming those unwanted pounds. - 31875

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Slim Down Before Inauguration Day with These 8 Simple Steps

By Dorthy Weatherbush

Are you unhappy with your current physical appearance? Does that insecurity keep you from having the confidence to pursue a relationship with someone that you are interested in? If so, it is not something that you need to live with. You can make changes to your lifestyle so that you can get the figure that you want and gain that confidence to approach that special someone and ask them out. In fact, if you are ready to make that change there are several things that you can do to change your life before our next president even takes the oval office. As President Elect Obama said, "It's time for a change."

For you step one is to simply get you up and out of that sedentary lifestyle. The key is to get your metabolism going as quickly as possible. To do this, wake up just 10 minutes early and take a brisk walk around your home two to three times.

Step two is for you to do what your mother always told you. Eat your breakfast. After much research, most doctors agree that breakfast really is the most important way to start your day. By eating breakfast, you give your body permission to begin to burn those calories. This means that all morning long, your body is working to process those nutrients so that you'll have additional energy from the start all the way to the end of the day.

You need to take a serious look at what you are putting into your body for fuel. Candy and soda may have the sugar in it for a quick jump-start, but it does not have the lasting nutrients that you need for energy. Make sure that you are enjoying a balanced diet that has lots of fruits and vegetables in it. These are lower in calories, but help your stomach to stay full.

The next step is for you to become a "water-holic". Yes, I just made that up but I wanted to make a point to you that water has to become so part of your daily routine that people will literally think you'll need a "Water Drinker's Anonymous" meeting. Drinking water will lubricate your joints and ease painful muscle cramps or spasms.

Here's a simple secret for you. For weight loss to be effective, you must loose more pounds than you gain. Yes, I know you would've sat in the cold on a stormy winter morning for that tidbit of information. While it sounds simple, it is actually very profound. By controlling your portions and monitoring your caloric intake, you can assure yourself that you are burning more calories and fat than you are adding to your waistline.

However, you have to make sure that you are eating enough good calories throughout the day. Spend time finding low calorie foods and incorporating those into mini meals throughout the day. By doing this you will keep your metabolism constantly working which helps to keep its speed up.

Documentation is the key to success. Many people live in denial as to what they are doing to themselves that affects their bodies. You must not be one of those people. Take the steps now to ensure that you are tracking everything you put into your body. Not only should you track what you ate but you should also track why you ate. You'll find that more times than not, you are not eating to satisfy hunger.

Last but not least is the motivation factor. While eating the right foods at the right times and exercising are all very important things, none of those things are possible without proper motivation and support. Forget trying to do it on your own. If you could have done it, you would have by now. The best thing to do is to find a running buddy. Someone whom you can confide in and someone you can trust that will not let you give up. You two can support one another as you press forward toward creating the body you deserve by inauguration day. - 31875

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Dementia Managing

By Robert Sanders

Part of the problem in finding drugs which may be effective for dementia is that our ideas about what constitutes dementia have been undergoing radical change in recent years. It had been traditional to distinguish between Alzheimer's dementia, or senile dementia of the Alzheimer's type (SDAT) and multi-infarct dementia (MID), which is theoretically caused by small strokes which insidiously pick off brain tissue to the point where an individual's cognitive function is compromised.

It was originally thought that MID accounted for 60%+ of the dementias. Accordingly, early attempts to treat the dementias concentrated on the multi-infarct dementias. The initial hypothesis was that these multiple small strokes were being caused by a process of hardening of the arteries, sometimes called arteriosclerosis and sometimes atherosclerosis (although these terms refer to two quite different disorders) which impaired blood supply to the brain. The logical treatment, therefore, for this condition was to attempt to dilate blood vessels. This led to the use of a wide number of vasodilating drugs such as hydralazine.

It is quite rare now for such drugs to be used for this purpose. Arguably, if anything, such treatment may have made the condition somewhat worse in that a potential effect of vasodilators is the reduction of blood pressure and reducing blood pressure would mean that the brain would be less perfused with blood, as one of the functions of blood pressure in the first instance is to provide the propulsive force to send blood up against the force of gravity to perfuse the brain.

Stage 2

More recent attempts to treat the dementias have proceeded on the basis that Alzheimer's dementia is the commonest form of dementia. For many years, the term Alzheimer's dementia was reserved for dementias that came on before the age of 65 (for this reason it was also called persenile dementia), which were not obviously caused by strokes. It was conceded that there was another dementia that was like Alzheimer's dementia, which appeared to come on after the age of 65 but this was thought to be less common. Distinctions on the basis of age have now collapsed and both dementias of the Alzheimer type are now called senile dementia of the Alzheimer type. The amalgamation of these two groups led to an awareness that Alzheimer's-type dementia is the commonest form. The primary therapeutic focus in the field, therefore, has been on an attempt to reverse the deficits which are supposed to be present in SDAT.

In particular, it has been held that in Alzheimer's, there is a dysfunction of cholinergic pathways in the brain, for which there are both historical and clinical reason. Historically, when early work in psychopharmacology began, there were only four known neurotransmitters - noradrenaline, 5-HT, dopamine and acetylcholine (ACh). Noradrenaline quickly became the neurotransmitter involved in depression and mood disorders. Dopamine was known to be involved in Parkinson's disease, and, when it became clear that neuroleptics acted on it, schizophrenia, after which the psychoses in general came to be seen as disorders of dopamine neurotransmission. For the most part, 5-HT was associated with either depression or anxiety. This left ACh without a function. It seemed convenient to parcel it out to the dementias.

There was, in addition, some clinical evidence in favour of an association between the cholinergic system and dementia. Part of the reason for this claim can be seen in a number of the chapters of this blog, in which drugs with anticholinergic effects have been noted as potentially causing amnesia or confusion (see The Management of Side Effects & Side Effects of Antidepressants articles).

Stage 3

In the last 5 years, a number of other dementias have been described. A distinction has been drawn between cortical and subcortical dementias. The cortex of the brain is the area responsible for higher cognitive functions, such as speaking, reading, planning and executing actions, etc In the cortical dementias, memory is usually the function most noticeably affected but those who are affected also have problems with planning even simple functions such as dressing and they typically cannot read, draw or execute any complex tasks. Alzheimer's and MID are cortical dementias. There are also subcortical parts to the brain which are common to humans and other mammals. They involve a number of what are termed midbrain and brainstem structures. - 31875

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Portable Hunting & Ice Fishing Houses With Portability

By Judah R. Davis

The concept of ice fishing houses and portable canvas hunting enclosures are finally being more realized by manufacturers, and are indeed becoming something that is actually practical to use. This isn't something new however, outdoorsmen and women have been using canvas as a way to create shelter for centuries, and it's pretty clear that canvas is extremely durable, and that's what really counts in weatherproof shelters, as well as ice fishing houses.

The outdoors has some rather harsh weather, and most tents and enclosures would be wiped out, but marine upholstery will always stand the test of time in this regard. If you're looking for something that is extremely durable,t hen you would like Aqualon Marine Canvas. Basically you have Vinyl Coated Polyester Canvas which weighs nine ounces per square inch. The material is made from two ply polyester, and this means that it is durable. If this material gives way to the weather, you'd better hope that you're far far away.

These enclosures are also perfect for use as ice fishing houses. No matter how long you want to leave the structure on the ice, you will find that it simply does not give way. Any other enclosure would likely fail at the sight of harsh weather, but this type of canvas is made for any type of weather. You will find that the color even stays with the canvas.

Whether you're in the north or the south, there is always going to be a good reason to use canvas shelters. When you are in the south, you need a place that is cool and free of the sun's deadly rays. These enclosures actually provide a well ventilated shelter, which is surprising. When you take it to the north however, it provides the opposite service, creating a warm shelter for you and your friends to take cover in.

Such shelters can be used as hunting enclosures too. If you are concerned with them being too visible, then do not fear, as they can be camouflaged with ease! In fact it is so easy that many military organizations use these in the field. You don't need to worry about having a hunting cabin or a shack to take shelter in. All you need is the "Wall Tent", as they come in all different shapes and sizes. They will stand up to the weather and bring you through any situation.

All Big Wall Tents are built to last with heavy-duty canvas and reinforcements at all stress points. With its easy setup and roomy design, the Big Wall Tent is an easy choice for any hunter, camper or outdoor enthusiast. The fabric has a breathable, "dry" treatment for mildew and water repellency. Included with the Wall Tent model: Stove Pipe Shield (5"/6" roof - front right corner as entering the tent), Sod cloth - vinyl laminated nylon, double zippered door (#10 HD zippers), Window - 18" x 24" with zippered canvas weather flap, Stakes - 12" Durapeg (high impact resin), Guy Ropes & Tighteners, Tent and Stake Bags, Ridge Pole Openings, 12" Overlap Canvas Door with Side Release Buckles In & Out, and a Heavy Duty canvas reinforcements on ends and peaks.

Ice fishing is extremely popular, especially in the northern most areas. It is simply easier to set up a canvas tent than it is to trek to a cabin or other type of shelter. These take up far less space and can be transported easily. They can even sit on a snowmobile sled. Four people can sit in these shelters and fish without a problem, meaning that you can take all of your gear to any fishing spot. You don't have to worry about it being overly cramped, because it is indeed tall enough to stand up in. There are two different versions out there, from a heavy canvas build, to a lighter and more portable version.

Ice fishing will never quite be the same again with these ice fishing shelters, and you can actually use a generator within the tent. If you tried to use a generator inside any other tent you would run into some serious and potentially fatal problems. On top of that, these can be deployed with ease, and thy are multipurpose. Hunting, fishing, whatever it is you want to do, you can be assured that these tents will accommodate. - 31875

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Gluten Free Foods Can Benefit Everyone As Gluten Protein Is Hard To Digest

By Kathryn Barry

Gluten free foods are making their way to mainstream. Soon you will be seeing more and more gluten free breads, desserts, etc. which will be made from gluten free grains.

What is Gluten?

Gluten is found in wheat, rye, and barley.

Your digestive system has a very hard time digesting gluten because of its large size. It is one of the most complicated proteins known to mankind.

Problems seem to begin when gluten reaches your small intestine.

Leaky gut syndrome and more serious allergic reactions can occur because gluten has the ability to rip holes in your intestinal lining.

This intestinal damage will weaken your ability to absorb essential nutrients from your food which will then lead to malnutrition and later to more serious health problems like a full blown disease.

Grains that do not have gluten are rice, corn, quinoa, tapioca, buckwheat, millet, teff, amaranth, sorghum, and pure oats.

Grains that contain gluten are wheat, barley, rye, and cross contaminated oats.

Wheat gluten grains include spelt, wheat bran, wheat germ, wheat berry, triticale, couscous, durham, bulgar, farina, semolina, einkorn, farro, graham, udon, seitan, wheat grass and matza.

What are Gluten Intolerance Symptoms?

Some of the symptoms of gluten intolerance are bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, nutritional deficiencies, casein intolerance, fat in the stools, weight loss, weight gain, aching joints, cramps, tingling and numbness, depression, headaches, irritability, skin rashes, itchy skin, irregular menstrual cycles, and slowed child growth.

Celiac disease is a very serious type of gluten intolerance and this causes your immune system to be triggered by gliadin which is a gluten protein.

The inflammation created by this protein will interfere with your small intestine's ability to function and absorb nutrients. The lining of your small intestine will be flattened from your immune system's response to this protein.

This is a fairly common disease and will usually be found with other family members. Continuing with the consumption of gluten while having this disease could create even more diseases.

The only way to effectively deal with this disease is a strict gluten free diet.

A Remarkable and Ancient Gluten Free Grain is Quinoa

You'll find lysine in quinoa which is a amino acid and quinoa is also higher in protein than most grains.

This is one of the amino acids that most grains are known for not having.

This amino acid is needed for the absorption of minerals such as calcium and for muscle building.

Important amino acids like lysine are needed to produce your body's enzymes and hormones.

Because quinoa contains all eight of the essential amino acids, it is considered a complete protein food.

Gluten Free Food Advice

Gluten free desserts can be made by replacing gluten containing flours with gluten free flours. There are a lot of beautiful cookbooks being produced to show people how to make wonderful gluten free treats.

Gluten free foods that come to you from nature are fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, eggs, whole dairy products, animal meats, fish and seafood.

Trying to avoid gluten in your diet, is like trying to avoid aging. You must be on the ball at all times and read every label as most processed foods contain gluten in disguise. - 31875

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Losing Weight With Nitric Oxide

By Laura Croff

If you are interested in losing weight or being able to get faster muscle gains, you might want to take a look at nitric oxide.

It has been reported and shown time and time again that nitric oxide can give you faster muscle gains, quicker weight loss, increased endurance and quicker recovery time.

This means that nitric oxide has become particularly popular for all people since they are wanting to lose weight and keep it off so let's see what else it can do for you.

Nitric oxide is often used by champions of sports because it is so effective in doing its job of increasing metabolism and boosting the energy levels of anyone who uses it.

If you want to get started, all you need to do is get your hands on a nitric oxide supplement and take your daily dose. Day after day, the compound will build up in your body until you are able to feel your metabolism improve and get that boost in energy that you have been looking for.

You will also obtain all the great advantages that we have spoken about in this article in addition to any weight loss that you will experience.

So, go ahead and get your hands on some nitric oxide and begin today! Nothing is stopping you from beginning now. If you take this into your hands now, you will experience the benefits that it can bring you and then you can begin to move on to other accomplishments like starting a new schedule in your life that you know is right for you. Doing so will lead to greater achievements that you will begin to enjoy and will only propel you on further. - 31875

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The Growing Importance of Recycling

By Melinda Rothman

When you're learning about something new, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of relevant information available on the topic of recycling and safe and clean enery. This informative article should help you focus on the central points.

The recycling program covers 200 units through June 2006, and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. It's a recycling bin that has placed more than a thousand such bins. A beginners guide to recycling is now available. Informative facts on how recycling positively affects the environment.

The corruption sometimes runs rampant amongst our parasitical representatives in government, but recycling really is a good thing. Some argue those on Capitol Hill are and have been playing the environment card to destroy our manufacturing base in America, which has moved from the 70 percentile in the 50s to 12 percent present day. There are several paths to a Greener Earth and recycling provides a doable and efficient (ten times energy savings) way to participate in the process. A good example is; If everyone recycled their Sunday paper it would preserve 500,000 trees each week. It also explains other ways recycling can help a business.

If you find yourself confused by what you've read about recycling to this point, don't despair. Everything should be crystal clear by the time you finish.

The PIC appears inside a three-chasing arrow recycling symbol. The symbol is used to indicate whether the plastic can be recycled into new products. The company has been partnering with communities, waste haulers and recycling facilities since its creation in 2004 to divert waste from landfills by recycling. The program also stimulates local economies with cash-value points earned for every pound recycled.

What goes in the recycling bin gets recycled: It is against state law for haulers to pick up recyclables and not recycle them. It is also against the law for a landfill or resource recovery facility to accept a load of recyclables. The division takes concrete from demolition sites to crushed concrete yards for recycling.

It was reported that "this generates a profit which helps support recycling". Mr X said the council also offers reconditioned bins for 25, subject to availability. They agreed, and since that time, 350 people have signed up for curbside recycling. The company distributes two plastic crates -- one for paper or fibre projects and another for containers. They said the county wants to work with the trash haulers in the county to make recycling more available. Residents, too, will have to be part of the solution.

This article's coverage of the information is as complete as it can be today. But you should always leave open the possibility that future research could uncover new recycling facts. - 31875

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Stop Chewing The Fat

By Christopher Rom

Try to cut back on fat, here are several tips to not chew the fat in your diet.

"Hold the Mayo!" or at least use half a tablespoon.one tablespoon of mayo packs in 80 to 100 calories and from 10 to 13 grams of fat depending on the brand!

Most reduced-fat varieties of mayo have become more satisfactory in taste over the years.Other alternatives include fat-free condiments like: salsa, chutney, pickle relish, mustard, or horseradish.

"Do try other foods" Trying a new ethnic food to keep things interesting and a lot of the different kinds are healthy for you? Mid-east restaurants have healthy entrees, such as: baba, ghanouj, rice pilaf, dolma, lentil soup, and kufta.

"What about the buttertins" Top toast with a tablespoon of regular butter and you've already downed an extra 10to 12 grams of fat before your day even starts! Switch to yogurt-based spreads, orfruit butters (like apple butter),reduced-fat margarine.

"Steer clear of the Bread Basket!" Watch your carb-intake. But if fat's your foe, munching a bread stick or a roll before your meal can help your weight loss efforts by curbing your hunger and possibly preventing over-eating.

Okay "People just Love Salsa!" You have been told one reason people adore salsa, but it is naturally fat-free.It tops lots of foods deliciously in lieu of higher-fat condiments: baked potatoes; grilled chicken; salads; snack crackers; and of course, chips.Treat yourself to freshly-made salsa by mixing together diced tomatoes, green onions and chilies, and cilantro.

"Have half a Lunch" A normal slice of bologna has about 11 grams of fat. The reduced-fat varieties of lunch bologna have less fat content. Chicken and turkey are naturally lean and better for you also and the taste has become better over the years, But most processed lunch meats can contain around 80 percent of there calories from fat. Plus are very high in saturated fat. So in favor you can get deli meats or poultry and yes the price might be a little higher but maybe that will help you. - 31875

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Nervous Breakdown

By Carlo Mueres

A nervous breakdown refers to a mainstream and often-used term to generically describe someone who experiences a bout of mental illness that is so severe, it directly impacts their ability to function in everyday life. The specific mental illness can be anything - depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or something else. But the reference to a "nervous breakdown" usually refers to the fact that the person has basically stopped their daily routines - going to work, interacting with loved ones or friends, even just getting out of bed to eat or shower.

A nervous breakdown can be seen as a sign that one's ability to cope with life or a mental illness has been overwhelmed by stress, life events, work or relationship issues. By disconnecting from their regular responsibilities and routines, an individual's nervous breakdown may allow them to try and regroup their coping skills and temporarily relieve the stress in their life.

Someone with a nervous breakdown may be seen as having "checked out" from society temporarily. They no longer maintain their social relationships with others, and find it difficult or impossible to go to work and may call in sick multiple days in a row. People with a nervous breakdown often don't even have the coping resources available to take care of themselves, or do much more than rudimentary self-care and maintaining. They may over-eat (if it provides them comfort) or simply fail to eat altogether, not feeling the need or energy to do so.

Since a nervous breakdown is not a clinical or scientific term, it's meaning can also vary in terms of its length and severity, as well as outcomes. Many people who suffer from a nervous breakdown usually seek out treatment (or have treatment sought out on their behalf by a loved one), and treatment is usually on the serious end of the spectrum of all the interventions available. Inpatient hospitalization for a serious nervous breakdown would not be unusual, to help a person become stabilized and find an effective treatment strategy for the mental disorder they're affected by.

People who suffer from a nervous breakdown and seek out treatment for it will usually recover from the most extreme depths of the "breakdown" within a few weeks' time (which may be quickened with inpatient psychiatric treatment). Longer-term recovery usually takes months of ongoing outpatient treatment with mental health specialists, such as a psychiatrist or psychologist.

A nervous breakdown is not a condition to be afraid of, as it is simply an indication of overhwelming stress and mental illness in a person's life. Loved ones and friends of someone who is suffering from a nervous breakdown should be supportive of the individual's efforts in seeking help for it. - 31875

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3 Great Reasons to Switch to a Raw Food Vegan Diet

By Alistair Bedingford

Raw food is generally defined as food that has not been heated beyond 115F. Generally, people on a raw food vegan diet eat raw at least 75% of the time. There are some great reasons to consider such a diet.

Benefit 1 - Rapid Weight Loss

It is a well noted fact that people on raw food vegan diets shed weight in a surprisingly quick amount of time. Why is this? One major reason is the nature of raw food. Uncooked food has a lot of fiber in it and it takes less raw food than cooked food to feel full.

Benefit 2 - Improved Health

In addition to making you slimmer, which alone results in less chance for many diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease, a raw food vegan diet has many other health benefits. Many vitamins, healthy bacteria and digestive enzymes are destroyed when food is heated over the 115F threshold. Raw food eaters benefit from such nutrients, which ease digestion, boost energy levels and improve skin. Processed food is loaded with sugars and preservatives, which can cause a low energy state.

Raw foods lack the preservatives and refined sugars of modern processed foods and the low energy sluggish feeling that accompanies consumption of such types of food. Hence a raw diet can drastically improve your health and lifestyle.

Benefit 3 -More Environmentally Friendly and Ethical

The vast majority of the meat consumed comes from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO). These industrial operations are notorious for very unethical animal treatment, significant environmental degradation and disease. An organic raw vegan diet is a vote against a system that is unhealthy, unethical and unfriendly to the environment.

Note: B12 supplements are required in a Vegan diet

So drop some pounds, be healthier and do something great for the earth, switch to a raw food vegan diet. - 31875

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A History of Coffee Adoration in Recent Times

By Damian Papworth

Who could have ever guessed that one of the next big things in gourmet movements could be coffee for such a long time? It used to be that coffee was just part of a meal, but now knowing about it is an important part of most foodie repertoires. But more important than if you know some Jamaican Blue from some Java beans, coffee is a beverage for socializing, and a love for coffee helps make it easier to meet people worldwide.

Even in other countries, where the coffee might taste a lot better, it's not that everyone knows the whole history of their perfect shot of espresso. It's just that it's there and it's tasty and everyone is used to it. Ask around and be surprised at how many people who really enjoy fancy coffee actually don't know that much about how it's cultivated or made.

A bit of history on coffee: it's not something that every country can make, which is why a lot of countries were a little late to the game, or had some seriously sub-par beans for quite some time. And a love for coffee doesn't mean that you even have tried that many varieties. From Columbia to Jamaica, Kenya to Java, a number of locations all develop their own special types of beans, which can only grow in those climates.

Many coffee drinkers think that getting serious means switching to espresso, which definitely enjoyed a surge in popularity thanks to the whole Starbucks movement. The thing with espresso, though, is that it's just a stronger version of regular coffee, which is something that a lot of people don't quite realize. In fact, espresso machines didn't even exist until 1901. But those with a love for coffee who are looking for a stronger drink, remember this when you're ordering your espresso: the really, really good kind should be able to have some serious hang-time when you toss in that spoon of sugar. Otherwise, you might as well just drink regular coffee.

In fact, ordering coffee is one of the biggest parts of learning to drink it, and if you're going to be using coffee to socialize in new and exciting places, you should probably know what you're getting yourself into. Except early in the morning on the way to work, when you stand at the bar and do a shot of espresso, drinking coffee in Italy is going to set you back at least an afternoon. The same is true in France. Those are a couple of the only countries where you can order a shot of espresso and make it last for a couple of hours, so order accordingly.

Don't feel bad if you want a drink with more taste than simply "caffeine is pumping through my veins." A love for coffee doesn't have to mean running around wound up all day. Go for the beverage with a bunch of milk and cream, add sugar, sip slowly (which should be easy, since an afternoon coffee in France could take hours), and don't worry about looking uncultured. You're doing just fine.

One of the best parts about drinking coffee, especially socially, is the snacks! From Holland to Argentina, you can expect at least a couple of cookies and sometimes even a glass of orange juice, so there's always something to pick at while you're enjoying your coffee. It's also nice, if you haven't eaten, to put something in your stomach that isn't just a cup of caffeine.

Don't forget: the main purpose of drinking any sort of beverage with a group of friends is to socialize. You don't need to be an expert on coffee, or even have a serious love for coffee, to go out and use the excuse of an afternoon cup to make a great friend or get to know a new place better. Just do it. - 31875

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Lose Arm Fat With Some Nutritional Trickery

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Small little adjustments here and there can really add up over time when it comes to losing arm fat. And knowing which adjustments to make will make life much easier for you.

The bad news is that you might be jaded by all the false promises and bogus marketing out there. After all, every marketer seems to be out for a quick buck with the rising obesity epidemic.

Well, I've been there and done that. And you don't have to make the same mistakes that I did. I've tested the waters over and over again, and I'm ready to share.

So without further ado, here are some tips and tricks for arm fat loss:

1. Have some saturated fat. We've been led to believe that saturated fat is bad for us. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. The truth is that not all saturated fat is created equal. Plant saturated fat is actually very good for you and will help increase testosterone-an arm fat burning hormone.

2. Drink small portions throughout the day. You have to drink small amounts of water during the day, not just with meals. They have to be small amounts because too much at once goes straight to the kidneys. And make sure you have some in between meals because that's when your body becomes dehydrated as a result of digestion.

3. Take some caffeine before working out. This will allow you to workout with increased intensity which will crank up your metabolism for DAYS after. The key here is to not take so much that you can't sleep at night, that would defeat the purpose.

4. Load up on Ceylon cinnamon. Put Ceylon cinnamon on as many meals as you can, especially the bigger ones. Why? Because Ceylon cinnamon is loaded with antioxidants and increases insulin sensitivity. And better insulin sensitivity translates into more calories going to active tissues while arm fat starves and disintegrates.

If you apply the above tips, you'll definitely have an edge when it comes to losing arm fat. So make sure you take action on this advice and don't let it sit in the back of your brain. Act now to get results tomorrow! - 31875

About the Author:

Treatments For Depression

By Carlo Mueres

New research clarifies how neurotransmitters like norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine, are regulated - a finding that may help fine-tune therapies for depression.

Current drugs for depression target the regulatory process for neurotransmitters, and while effective in some cases, do not appear to work in other cases.

Recent findings suggest that synucleins, a family of small proteins in the brain, are key players in the management of neurotransmitters - specifically, alpha- and gamma-synuclein. Additionally, researchers have found elevated levels of gamma-synuclein in the brains of both depressed animals and humans.

In a study presented at the 39th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Georgetown University Medical Center researchers observed increased depressive-like behavior in mice where gamma-synuclein acts alone to regulate neurotransmitters, confirming earlier studies by this group.

"These findings show the importance of, and clarify a functional role for, gamma synuclein in depression and may provide new therapeutic targets in treatment of this disease," says Adam Oaks, a student researcher in the Laboratory of Molecular Neurochemistry at GUMC. "Understanding how current therapies work with the synucleins is important because the drugs don't work for all patients, and some are associated with side effects including an increased risk of suicide."

The study was funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health. A provision patent application has been filed by Georgetown University related to the technology described in this paper, on which Anita Sidhu, one of the authors, is an inventor.

However, some symptoms of depression, such as sleep and appetite disturbances, significant concentration problems, and chronic fatigue, interfere with your ability to make the life changes necessary to eliminate the depression. In more serious depression, suicidal thoughts and urges, and preoccupation with death, may require medication in addition to psychotherapy. Antidepressant medication can help relieve those symptoms, and allow you to make needed life changes. The decision to take medication, in addition to participating in psychological treatment, should be discussed with your treating psychologist and your primary care physician. - 31875

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Still Chewing The Fat Are We

By Christopher Rom

Okay your starting to cut back on fat, here are several tips to not chew the fat in your diet.

"Hold the Mayo!" or at least use half a tablespoon.one tablespoon of mayo packs in 80 to 100 calories and from 10 to 13 grams of fat depending on the brand!

First reduced-fat varieties of mayo have become more satisfactory in taste over the years.Other alternatives include fat-free condiments like: salsa, chutney, pickle relish, mustard, or horseradish.

"Try other foods" Trying a new ethnic food to keep things interesting and a lot of the different kinds are healthy for you? Mid-east restaurants have healthy entrees, such as: baba ghanouj, rice pilaf, dolma, lentil soup, and kufta.

"The buttertons" Top toast with a tablespoon of regular butter and you've already downed an extra 10 to 12 grams of fat before your day even starts! Switch to yogurt-based spreads, or fruit butters (like apple butter),reduced-fat margarine.

"The Bread Basket!" Watch your carb-intake. But if fat's your foe, munching a bread stick or a roll before your meal can help your weight loss efforts by curbing your hunger and possibly preventing over-eating.

"Salsa Yummy!" Salsa is naturally fat-free as you have been told. It tops lots of foods deliciously in lieu of higher-fat condiments: baked potatoes; grilled chicken; salads; snack crackers; and of course, chips.Treat yourself to freshly-made salsa by mixing together diced tomatoes, green onions and chilies, and cilantro.

"Have half a Lunch" Normal bologna has about 11 grams of fat. The reduced-fat varieties of lunch bologna have less fat content. Chicken and turkey are naturally lean and better for you also and the taste has become better over the years, But most processed lunch meats can contain around 80 percent of there calories from fat. Plus are very high in saturated fat. So in favor, you can get deli meats or poultry and yes the price might be a little higher but maybe that will help you. - 31875

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Losing Weight With Nitric Oxide

By Laura Croff

So, you seem to be interested in losing weight. If that is the case, you may want to take a look at a supplement that has been used for many years which is nitric oxide.

It has been reported and shown time and time again that nitric oxide can give you faster muscle gains, quicker weight loss, increased endurance and quicker recovery time.

These reasons make it so that nitric oxide is often used by sports athletes because they often lead active lives when doing their athletic activities.

Nitric oxide is used by many people in order to maintain their weights or get the boost in energy that they have been looking for. Your body runs on fuel and nitric oxide is one of the high octane fuels that you can give it.

If you want to begin using nitric oxide, all you need to do is get your hands on a supplement and begin taking it day after day. If you are able to handle this and maintain the usage, you will begin to experience the effects of it on your body which will be a lot of lost weight and a lot more energy.

You will also obtain all the great advantages that we have spoken about in this article in addition to any weight loss that you will experience.

So go get ready for your new body and get your hands on some nitric oxide already. You are only waiting for yourself now! If you can do this now, you will be able to accomplish a lot more in the future since the success of this project will lead you on to feel better and to give you a taste of what success is. If you can handle that, you will be able to take on bigger projects later which will give you even more than you may have thought of as you begin this journey now. - 31875

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The Continued Popularity of Coffee Shops and New Opportunities

By Damian Papworth

While the origins of coffee shops go back some five hundred years, there are few periods in history where their popularity has been greater than in the present time. Coffee houses in Mecca were already a concern to the Imams in the early sixteenth century, indicating that they had been established as centers for gathering for some time. You?ll see similar complaints from English monarchs of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. By the 1960s, coffee houses were places where gatherings -- often music-oriented -- would occur, especially in the U.S.

Coffee shops continue to succeed by combining a little bit of charm from each of these different epochs. On the one hand, a couple of close friends can still commune in a quiet (or suitably lively) environment, while on the other hand coffee connoisseurs can get to try a new blend or roasting technique. Freelance workers and writers can find a communal work space in these time of nontraditional and remote work spaces. Even though the office continues to disappear, the caf? is taking its place.

Maybe the biggest difference between old fashioned coffee houses and their modern counterparts is the coffee itself. These days, besides the improvements on the part of farmers (in both growing and storage), the global character of the business world has brought the best coffee available to the hands of any company willing to do the homework and pay the import prices. Bringing this coffee into local shops has only increased the popularity of the caf?.

If you are an investor looking to get involved with a good business plan, there are few opportunities as encouraging as a coffee franchise. Both domestically and overseas, coffee companies continue to succeed no matter what the economic climate. Coffee appears to be something people will no go without. In fact, the different types of new coffee drinks command prices that are similar to those being charged in a pub. The difference is in the profit margin for coffee drinks and lower labor and licensing costs.

There are a number of spots in any community where a recognized brand could park itself and draw an instant clientele. Taking a brief tour through the main districts in your area will yield a number of potential corners.

The key to starting a successful coffee shop is establishing the right atmosphere. Starting with the right employees and the right management, a caf? will succeed largely on its ambiance. Some live performances and readings might be a good fit for your coffee shop.

If you succeed in setting a good tone in your caf?, you can have a trusted community meeting place on your hands. Customers of all ages will make their way to your door at one time or another.

Franchise owners who find themselves with a loyal client base can look ahead to other opportunities once an initial business is established. Customers like to continue to deal with respected names and faces in the area. - 31875

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Your Patient Rights In Therapy

By Carlo Mueres

Before you go into psychotherapy, you should be informed of your rights as a patient ahead of time by the therapist. The therapist should, in addition, give you a printed copy of something that reads similar to the below, so that you can take it home with you. We've long had a version of these rights here on our website, but I thought it might be helpful to further describe or explain each right in a little more detail.

Therapists nowadays may also often offer you their guidelines for electronic and/or outside contact, (such as through Facebook, email, telephone, etc). This sets the ground rules for how you may contact the therapist outside of session, in event of an emergency, or in the event that you just want to share something with your therapist (or change your appointment or such).

You should know that these rights are not absolutes, and there may be exceptions based upon what kind of treatment you're undertaking, under what conditions, and in what country or province you live in (even state laws vary that may alter some of these rights). If you have a specific concern with one of these rights, you should discuss it with your therapist during your next session.

Every patient engaging in psychotherapy with a professional has the following rights:

You have a right to participate in developing an individual plan of treatment. Every client in psychotherapy should have a treatment plan that describes general goals of therapy, and specific objectives the client will work on in order to achieve their goals. Without such a plan, how would you know you've made progress?

You have a right to receive an explanation of services in accordance with the treatment plan. The therapist should describe the process of how they work with clients, in as much detail as you prefer and time allows.

You have a right to participate voluntarily in and to consent to treatment. You are there voluntarily and should understand and consent to all treatment provided you (unless you have been court-ordered or have other state-imposed restrictions).

You have a right to object to, or terminate, treatment. Don't like therapy or a specific type of treatment? You can leave at any time without any kind of repercussions (unless you have been court-ordered to attend therapy).

You have a right to have access to one's records. Yes, although many professionals don't like it, you have a right to review the records they keep on you.

You have a right to receive clinically appropriate care and treatment that is suited to their needs and skillfully, safely, and humanely administered with full respect for their dignity and personal integrity. Your therapist should be skilled and trained to administer the treatment he or she said they would, and do so in a dignified and humane manner. You should never feel unsafe in your therapist's presence.

You have a right to be treated in a manner which is ethical and free from abuse, discrimination, mistreatment, and/or exploitation. Therapists shouldn't use your story to write a book, a screenplay, a movie, or have you appear on a television show. They shouldn't attempt to leverage the therapeutic relationship in an inappropriate manner (e.g., sexually or romantically), and they shouldn't pass judgment upon you based upon your background, race, handicaps, etc.

You have a right to be treated by staff who are sensitive to one's cultural background. No matter what your background or culture, you should expect to be treated with respect and dignity, by all staff (including billing staff, receptionists, etc.).

You have a right to be afforded privacy. Your sessions are confidential and private and will not be overheard or shared with others.

You have a right to be free to report grievances regarding services or staff to a supervisor. More of an issue if you're being seen in a clinic or hospital.

You have a right to be informed of expected results of all therapies prescribed, including their possible adverse effects (e.g., medications). Psychiatrists should go through the list of common adverse and side effects of any medication they prescribe. If a type of psychotherapy treatment also has adverse events, those should be described to you at the onset of treatment.

You have a right to request a change in therapist. Sometimes it just doesn't work out with the therapist chosen. That's nobody's fault and the therapist should help you find his or her replacement (through a referral, at minimum).

You have a right to request that another clinician review the individual treatment plan for a second opinion. You are entitled to a second opinion by a professional of your choosing at any time.

You have a right to have records protected by confidentiality and not be revealed to anyone without my written authorization. - 31875

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Slow Aging With Resveratrol

By Alex Ariel Sanders

Resveratrol is a constituent of red wine. It came to public attention following a report that French men who drank red wine did not have some of the age related diseases that their American counterparts in the same age group suffered frequently. Resveratrol is also found in small amounts in berries, peanuts and grape skins. The above report has ignited an interest on how we can live longer with Resveratrol

First, resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants are compounds that reduce the number of free radicals, which are waste products of cellular functions in our body. Therefore, Resveratrol has been associated for many years to weight loss and has been also sold as a dietary supplement to help people burn fat. Its ability to slow the aging process has not been proven until recently.

Resveratrol resembles the effects of caloric restriction diet in more than one way. Its effect on aging is basically parallel to that of being on a restricted calorie diet, which has been proven to slow down the aging process and help avoid a number, if not all, of age-related illnesses.

It is believed that resveratrol works to block the absorption of certain fats inside the body and helps to flush them through the digestive tract out of the body. In addition, it bonds with certain bad cholesterol and triglycerides to keep them from building up in the body.

In other studies on resveratrol, there are evidences that support that idea of the said compound working on the genetic level by rendering the aging gene useless. These studies are currently ongoing and have not yet been full-proofed. However, resveratrol is at its running to be the ultimately desired fountain of youth should these studies be able to prove its real potential. Other evidences show its capacity to inhibit and even prevent some cancers, with more emphasis on breast cancer in women.

Curiously, despite its presence in red wine, grapes, berries, and other foods, resveratrol is not well absorbed from the foods we eat. In order to get the sort of benefits these studies show it can possibly have, it must be taken in high doses as a dietary supplement.

In pill or capsule form, it takes a minimum of 250 mg to produce a measurable amount in the blood after 30 minutes. All traces of resveratrol are gone after 4 hours. This seems to indicate that, in order to maintain sufficient levels in the blood to be of benefit for slowing the aging process, supplementation with resveratrol should be taken at regular intervals that do not exceed 4 hours. - 31875

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Need an Extra Boost for that Big Game? Try the Acai Berry

By Americo Tognetti

If you are looking for a super food that is easily digestible and provides 2 times the amount of antioxidants that a blueberry does, look no further than the Acai berry. World Surfing Champion Layne Beachly has found that by eating the Acai berry she has had an extreme boost to her energy and stamina levels because of all the vitamins and nutrients that are in it.

Layne Beachley has found something that has provided her with the best sustenance for her surfing competitions and training workouts. She has found something that is light and easily digestible, that can keep her satisfied all throughout the day, it is the super fruit called the Acai berry. For Layne Beachley, this super fruit is perfect for her because while she suffers from numerous food allergies the berry is able to compensate for the nutrients that she cannot get from ordinary foods. Thus she remains healthy and strong because the berry provides her the nutrients, vitamins, proteins and antioxidants that she needs.

While Layne Beachley is a huge name in the surfing world, there are others who have experienced much of the same. Take Pro Junior Surfer Chris Friend for example. He was runner-up at the ISA Amateur World Championships and has nothing but good things to say about this fruit. A surfer needs the highest intensity rate possible when drawing on those huge waves, and the Acai berry allows him to have the strength needed to train appropriately for each situation. If you need an example, he eats the berry for breakfast, for a snack throughout the day, and any other time suitable. The end result is more power and strength needed to win.

But when you think about a berry, you think about how small they are, and sometimes wonder how they have any nutrients at all. Don't be deceived by the size of this little beauty, it is packed with goodness!

This amazing little berry also has the important Phytosterols which are compounds of plant cell membranes that provide the body a lot of benefits like reducing blood plasma cholesterol. It also has Anthocyanin, a protein substance found in the berry that can dissolve saturated and solid fatty acids. These types of fatty acids are the primary causes for cholesterol. Speaking of cholesterol, Acai also has Oleic or Omega 9, a mono unsaturated essential fatty acid and Linoleic or Omega 6, a polyunsaturated essential fatty acid. Both these help lower bad cholesterol levels while maintaining good cholesterol levels. These fatty acids also support in the transportation and absorption of fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins K, D, E and A.Acai can energise the body because it is high in unsaturated fatty acids that have good fat.

Acai berry is already being used by a lot of athletes as a substitute to protein bars and shakes.

What it comes down to is whether or not you're an athlete that wants to be the best. In order to make this happen you have to be at the top of your game, and have the proper fuel to energise your body. The Acai berry can help with both of these, as well as fighting off the free radicals that form in the body.

So if you are looking to be at the top of your game, the Acai berry will help provide you with the energy and stamina you need to do so. - 31875

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A Lesson in Tea and Coffee

By Damian Papworth

Coffee isn?t just a beverage. It?s an art form. The same goes for tea. Tea and coffee are both social beverages which have depth and history behind them. Here?s a look at the two drinks in all their caffeinated glory.

According to ancient legend, coffee was first discovered in Ethiopia, where it grew wild. Goat herders made the realization that their goats, after eating the coffee berries, couldn?t keep still and couldn?t sleep during the night. There?s another story about a dissident who was sent into the desert to die of starvation. The man, whose name was Omar, and his disciples happened upon the coffee plant and in despair, they ate it. It was the coffee plant that saved their lives. They made it to a nearby town called Mocha, where local residents saw it as a miracle.

Coffee was first brewed in around 1000 AD, according to researchers. Sufi monasteries in Yemen in southern Arabia were said to drink coffee regularly enough for it to be mentioned. It seems that coffee made its way from Ethiopia to Egypt and Yemen. Arabians are credited with roasted and brewing coffee in the manner that we are accustomed to today. Coffee spread to the rest of the Middle East and northern Africa by the middle of the 15th century. From there it spread to Italy and the rest of Europe, then to Indonesia where it was then transported to America.

The Arabians weren?t keen to share their precious coffee beans; so in order to make sure no one else could grow them, they cooked or boiled the beans, making them infertile. However, according to one tale, an Indian by the name of Baba Budan smuggled out some fertile beans by taping them to his belly. This way, coffee arrived in Venice and spread all around Europe.

The Dutch began importing coffee in significant amounts, defying the Arab prohibition in 1616. They then took their crop to Java and Ceylon. Exports of Indonesian coffee to the Netherlands took place around 1711.

Of course, now coffee is a staple. Making a great cup of coffee takes time and practice, but it?s well worth it.

Tea has a long history. Legend has it that it was first discovered in ancient China, some 5,000 years ago. The emperor Shen Nung required that water be boiled, for hygienic reasons. One day, he was visiting a far off land and having stopped to rest, the servants prepared boiled water for the court to drink. Some dried up leaves from a bush fell into the boiling water, turning it brown. The emperor?s curiosity was piqued and he drank the mixture and found it pleasing. Thus tea was first created.

Tea culture was pervasive in ancient China. In 800 AD Lu Yu wrote the first guide to tea called the Ch?a Ching. The book detailed various tea rituals, cultivation methods and preparation. The work was heralded as a masterpiece and backed by the Emperor himself.

Japan was introduced to tea by the priest Yeisei, who is now known as the father of tea in the country. After he brought tea back to Japan via China, it became an instant success.

Europe was first introduced to the beverage via a Portuguese Jesuit monk in 1560. From there, the drink grew in popularity. - 31875

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The War of the Coffee Kings

By Neil Fisher

One of the most preferred drinks in the world is coffee. People love the taste, and even more so the physical boost it provides. Giving energy to both the body and mind, people have come to depend on it for work, not to mention the social benefits of it too.

Two of the most popular brands in the nation are Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts. In bigger cities, you can't go a few blocks without seeing one of the two and there are branches of each present in both towns as well.

There are those who claim that Dunkin Donuts is better, and they're fiercely loyal to the brand. Others feel just the same way about Starbucks. Which is the better option of the two? Let's have a look.

First, let's look at Starbucks. The coffee giant has exploded during the last 15 years, and they've even expanded to various drinks and foods beyond coffee. You can now get pastries, breakfast, and sandwiches at Starbucks.

Still, coffee is the brand's strength and people pile up in droves to drink it. The biggest benefit to Starbucks coffee over Dunkin Donuts is the fact that their coffee packs more caffeine in it. If you're looking for a big kick, this is the way to go.

How about Dunkin though? Well, while Dunkin Donuts has less caffeine per ounce of coffee, it does offer bigger sizes for comparable prices. People definitely appreciate the value offered at a Dunkin Donuts, not to mention the generally shorter wait times on line.

Anyone who prefers a bigger drink would like this more. They also have more flavors available, with interesting ones springing up all the time.

So, who wins the coffee war between Dunkin and Starbucks? It seems that Dunkin Donuts wins in blind taste tests according to some studies, but it really all comes down to a matter of personal preference in the end. - 31875

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Dementia Managing

By Carlo Mueres

Part of the problem in finding drugs which may be effective for dementia is that our ideas about what constitutes dementia have been undergoing radical change in recent years. It had been traditional to distinguish between Alzheimer's dementia, or senile dementia of the Alzheimer's type (SDAT) and multi-infarct dementia (MID), which is theoretically caused by small strokes which insidiously pick off brain tissue to the point where an individual's cognitive function is compromised.

It was originally thought that MID accounted for 60%+ of the dementias. Accordingly, early attempts to treat the dementias concentrated on the multi-infarct dementias. The initial hypothesis was that these multiple small strokes were being caused by a process of hardening of the arteries, sometimes called arteriosclerosis and sometimes atherosclerosis (although these terms refer to two quite different disorders) which impaired blood supply to the brain. The logical treatment, therefore, for this condition was to attempt to dilate blood vessels. This led to the use of a wide number of vasodilating drugs such as hydralazine.

It is quite rare now for such drugs to be used for this purpose. Arguably, if anything, such treatment may have made the condition somewhat worse in that a potential effect of vasodilators is the reduction of blood pressure and reducing blood pressure would mean that the brain would be less perfused with blood, as one of the functions of blood pressure in the first instance is to provide the propulsive force to send blood up against the force of gravity to perfuse the brain.

Stage 2

More recent attempts to treat the dementias have proceeded on the basis that Alzheimer's dementia is the commonest form of dementia. For many years, the term Alzheimer's dementia was reserved for dementias that came on before the age of 65 (for this reason it was also called persenile dementia), which were not obviously caused by strokes. It was conceded that there was another dementia that was like Alzheimer's dementia, which appeared to come on after the age of 65 but this was thought to be less common. Distinctions on the basis of age have now collapsed and both dementias of the Alzheimer type are now called senile dementia of the Alzheimer type. The amalgamation of these two groups led to an awareness that Alzheimer's-type dementia is the commonest form. The primary therapeutic focus in the field, therefore, has been on an attempt to reverse the deficits which are supposed to be present in SDAT.

In particular, it has been held that in Alzheimer's, there is a dysfunction of cholinergic pathways in the brain, for which there are both historical and clinical reason. Historically, when early work in psychopharmacology began, there were only four known neurotransmitters - noradrenaline, 5-HT, dopamine and acetylcholine (ACh). Noradrenaline quickly became the neurotransmitter involved in depression and mood disorders. Dopamine was known to be involved in Parkinson's disease, and, when it became clear that neuroleptics acted on it, schizophrenia, after which the psychoses in general came to be seen as disorders of dopamine neurotransmission. For the most part, 5-HT was associated with either depression or anxiety. This left ACh without a function. It seemed convenient to parcel it out to the dementias.

There was, in addition, some clinical evidence in favour of an association between the cholinergic system and dementia. Part of the reason for this claim can be seen in a number of the chapters of this blog, in which drugs with anticholinergic effects have been noted as potentially causing amnesia or confusion (see The Management of Side Effects & Side Effects of Antidepressants articles).

Stage 3

In the last 5 years, a number of other dementias have been described. A distinction has been drawn between cortical and subcortical dementias. The cortex of the brain is the area responsible for higher cognitive functions, such as speaking, reading, planning and executing actions, etc In the cortical dementias, memory is usually the function most noticeably affected but those who are affected also have problems with planning even simple functions such as dressing and they typically cannot read, draw or execute any complex tasks. Alzheimer's and MID are cortical dementias. There are also subcortical parts to the brain which are common to humans and other mammals. They involve a number of what are termed midbrain and brainstem structures. - 31875

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Forget Dieting Over The Holidays

By Cristian Truers

Changing your focus from dieting to living healthy during the holidays boosts the chances of maintaining your perfect weight.

"Many of us will gain at least five pounds from the middle of October through New Year's Day," said Stefanie Barthmare, a psychotherapist with the Methodist Weight Management Center in Houston. "Because weight gain is gradual, we don't realize the damage of our indulgences right away. But the scale tells all when the holidays are over. That's why "lose weight" is at the top of our New Year's resolution every year."

Barthmare says stop counting every calorie and restricting yourself from your holiday favorites and instead try focusing on the core elements of living a healthy lifestyle, i.e. staying active in your everyday life.

"If you can't get to the gym, do whatever it takes to move your body. Walk the dog more, plan a walking coffee break at work, play in the yard with the kids after dinner, or throw the football around with your brothers," Barthmare said. "Plan an active, rather than a passive vacation this holiday season. If you normally go somewhere to sit, read and eat, plan a trip where you hike, bike or ski. Learn a new sport just for fun, and notice the impact on your waistline."

Have a plan for days when there will be high calorie meals and possibly stressful family gatherings that cause you to eat comfort foods. Not planning is what leads to trouble.

"The once-a-year mentality contributes to overindulgence, which eventually leads to weight gain," Barthmare said. "You can still have a serving of grandma's stuffing or mom's apple pie, the stuff you only get once a year, but it's important to develop a strategy. Filling up on more high fiber, high volume foods earlier in the day will give yourself a better chance of maintaining your weight. Also, then there's not as much room for the seconds at dessert."

Another way to avoid overindulgence is to turn the focus of holiday gatherings away from food and to connecting with family and friends. Put more emphasis on finding out what others have been doing, what you have in common and how you can support one another at holiday functions.

"If you've been dieting all year long, you're going to want to cut loose during the holidays and indulge in all your favorite treats," Barthmare said. "But, this year, try switching the focus. Eat well all year, keep your body moving and make time for connections. Then you can have some guilt free holiday indulgences without sacrificing the goal of maintaining your perfect weight. - 31875

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Several Helpful Weight Loss Tips

By Rebecca Nolans

The year 2009 has been one filled with highs and lows and I'm happy to say that it's now at a high point. I'll share some details about my experience with you.

Unfortunately, the company I work for went out of business last year. I was left in a situation where I couldn't find a job, so I spent most of my time online, pursuing some hobbies and looking for jobs. Unfortunately, I gained a lot of weight during this time.

I was confused by this. I generally don't eat too badly, though I do sneak in a few treats here and there. I hadn't changed my eating habits though. The fact that I wasn't as active all day caused the weight gain.

This has been great, as I've done it the right way without starving myself either. Here are three quick tips that I'll give you, all of which I've been following.

First and foremost, I decided that drinking soda simply wasn't a good idea. Even a diet soda isn't good for you, as the artificial chemicals and sweeteners are said to have a negative effect on the body.

Additionally, I took a closer look at the foods I ate and decided to do away with sugar altogether. The only sugar I'd have from here was the sugar that's found naturally in fruits, which happens to taste pretty good.

Exercise is the other part of the plan, and I've been getting a lot of it. Running at the gym nearly every day of the week, I'm more physically fit than I've ever been. I also love the rush I experience after a nice, long run.

The last thing I decided to do was replace all fried and sauteed foods with grilled and baked ones. This was difficult, but like any habit, I became used to it after a few weeks. I have a great body to show for it now, and I never plan to go back to the dark side. - 31875

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Dr. Phil Hits the Nail on the Head with His Weight Loss Diet

By Peter W.L. Owen

When starting a diet you first need to look at yourself and the way people see you. This is one of the hardest things to do. If you don't do it you won't be convinced to make a change to your current life. You might have all the money in the world to buy the best meals and train with the best trainers, but you won't be able to lose weight if you're not willing to make a dramatic change to your everyday routine.

Dr. Phil is a well-known problem solver that has taken on the biggest challenges our life offers. He has also decided to take on the fat loss issues so many of us are struggling with. It is sad to realize that obesity is the main cause of preventable death in America. That alone has caused Dr. Phil to take a look at why this is such a massive problem not only in America, but also around the world.

So few men and women are willing or have the determination to make a shift in their lives. I know so many men, women and kids who've amazingly lost all of their fat, but managed to get it back in less than one year. I've thought to myself if it's possible for any fat person to get rid of their weight forever. I realized that if you love to be thin more than you love food, there might be a chance.

Being honest with yourself has never been easy. Think about it for awhile. To pass the first obstacle of Dr. Phil's diet program, you need to be honest and ask yourself if you're at the point of your life where you're ready to make a change. You determine that be answering a few questions that will reveal the truth. A few of Dr. Phil's questions follow:

1.You've probably tried many other weight loss plans which haven't produced the fruits. The real truth is probably that you didn't deliver the fruits. Are you willing to give Dr. Phil's diet program a try?

2.There might be a lot of temptations in your kitchen. Are you willing to give all those food temptations away?

3.The time may come when you've tried to cheat the weight loss program. Will you then admit it to yourself and others around you?

4.Are you willing to spend time exercising a few times per week?

5.No one else are able to shape and transform your body. Have you made peace with the fact that you're the only one who can do that?

6.You might have healthy food in your fridge and a gym contract, but do you understand that you need to start with a plan of action and see it through till the end?

According to Dr. Phil, the answers to these and other questions will determine if you're able to change your body. You can have the greatest fitness trainers around, with all the knowledge in the world, but if you're not willing to make sacrifices, you'll never have a healthy body.

I've seen the best before and after pictures and some are really true. But one thing that stands out from Dr. Phil's diet is that it doesn't set you up with massive mountains to climb at first. He explains that you need to set small and realistic goals. Don't let other stand in your way of success. You will be surprised to see that so many people want you to fail. Remember, the main obstacle in your way is yourself. Don't stop until you've reached your destination. - 31875

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Training Tips To Have A Well Behaved Dog

By Richard Brown

It can be hard to train dogs. A hard to train dog is not always stupid. There can be other reasons for that. In many cases, he may be very intelligent and better at doing things that others can not do. He can not be easily trained due to many reasons.

Dogs are born natural hunters and fighters. So they keep showing their skills in anything they do. Some of them have a high level of intelligence and dominance. They seem to be hard to train due to these traits. Some are intelligent enough to guess what is going in our mind.

Some dogs have a high level of dominance. Once they have their attention onto something, they do not give up easily on that. So you should not stop them from doing something. They will stop when they feel like.

Dogs can not be easily stopped when they are doing things like digging up soil or chewing things. If they are hard to persuade, it show their high level of dominance and determination. You have to find new ways to persuade them.

Sometimes your dog begins to chase things while you training him. He may have found something interesting. So you find it hard to convince him to continue the exercises and can do it only after his is done chasing that thing.

The dog training sessions should interest your dog and not make him feel bored. You can try getting him to do interesting things so that he makes use of his brain. He is more likely to show better interest in doing interesting things rather than boring exercises.

It will be great to get membership at a local kennel club. Thus you will be in touch with other dog owners and know how to train your dog in the best way. You will also be able to participate in various shows and contests for dogs.

Thus you can train your dog to be well behaved and do various tasks. You should keep in mind that using violence on your dog will never benefit you. - 31875

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Why You Should Be Eating Nuts

By Cristian Truers

Nuts are tasty, loaded with good fat, protein, fiber, nutrients and phytochemicals that are heart healthy and potentially good for the waistline. Barring allergies, there aren't many reasons not to include nuts in your diet. Let's take a look at some interesting studies, tips and tidbits about nuts.

Nuts and the Heart

A study of 31000 Seventh Day Adventists that ate nuts more than 4 times per week were half as likely to die of a heart attack than those who ate nuts less than once a week. The Iowa Women's Health Study came to a similar conclusion: Women who ate nuts or seeds 4 times per week were 40% less likely to die from heart disease than similar women who didn't eat nuts. The Nurses' Health Study showed that those who ate at least 140g/week of nuts were 35% less likely to be diagnosed with heart disease than those who ate less than 30g/month. Nuts and Weight

Most studies have shown that adding nuts to the diet does not cause people to gain much weight, if any at all. As an example, researchers gave participants 45-70g of almonds every day (320 calories worth) and gave them no further instructions about food intake. After 6 months, participants gained a very miniscule amount of weight (.2 lbs in women, 1.4 lbs in men). This study was funded by the almond industry.

There aren't many studies that show nut consumption to help people lose weight, but one study showed that a low calorie diet that included almonds led to greater weight loss than an equal calorie diet that did not include almonds.

The Seventh Day Adventist and Nurses Health Study showed that those who regularly ate nuts weighed less than those who did not.

The Best Nuts

Are some nuts better than others when it comes to health benefits? All nuts contain good fats, fiber and proteins, but different kinds of nuts have different nutrient profiles.

Almonds are richest in vitamin E (35% recommended daily intake) and calcium (8%) per 1 oz. (30g) serving. Brazil nuts are highest in selenium with just 1 supplying a days worth. Cashews are richest in copper and zinc Peanuts (technically a legume) contain the antioxidant resveratrol, and are highest in protein and arginine content Walnuts have the most alpha linolenic acids (plant-based omega-3's) How much?

Nuts are healthy but are a dense source of calories. 1oz/30g of nuts supply about 170-180 calories. Here is a chart that shows how many nuts are in 30g.

Number of Nuts in 30 grams (1oz)

Almonds: 20-24 Brazil nuts: 6-8 Pecans: 18-20 (halves) Cashews: 16-18 Pine Nuts: 150-157 Pistachios: 45-47 Walnuts: 8-11 Hazelnuts: 18-20 - 31875

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We All Love The Smell Of Fresh Roasted Coffee

By Bart Jones

How great is the smell of roasted fresh coffee beans brewing as it works its way up the steps and into your bedroom? It starts to seep into your nostrils and all of a sudden you perk up a little bit. Instead of waking up grumpy, you already have a smile on your face in anticipation of the perfect cup of coffee.

It all starts with the beans. If you have lousy coffee beans, you have not shot at getting a great cup of coffee. There are hundreds of different varieties out there and it will be a matter of preference as to what you actually like. One person may rave about Jamaican Blue Mountain while Sumatra may be your favorite. It would be great if there was a simple method of figuring out, but tasting is the best way to find your favorite.

If you're of the gourmet ilk, you'll want to have only whole roasted fresh coffee beans on hand. Grind only enough beans to make a potful each time. Further, buy only sufficient quantities of whole beans to last for a month or two at a time. Keep them in an air tight container stored at room temperature, otherwise you risk the beans losing their freshness.

If you prefer to buy your coffee on the way into work, you more than likely stop at the same place each and every day. There is no shame in this as the power of the perfect cup is something that is undeniable. Be it Starbucks or Dunkin' Donuts, Wawa or McDonald's, your favorite is often a cup that you will drive miles out of your way to make sure you are getting what you want.

When you are brewing your coffee at home, the coffee maker is just as important as the coffee bean. Go cheap and you are lucky to ever truly enjoy all the flavor that your roasted fresh coffee bean has. The optimum temperature for brewing is 200 degrees and you at least want to make sure that your machine does that or close to it.

On your quest for the perfect machine, do a lot of research and don't believe everything you read. If you want an honest opinion, go to a neutral reviewing site or check out forums that are aimed at coffee lovers. Even after all of that, you are still going to want to taste a cup before you buy it. Most decent sellers will have machines of various types up and brewing so you can try the coffee from the machine.

We all know how important our coffee is in our lives. It makes the day a little more bearable and gives a lot people the impetus to get up in the morning. There are those who want world peace and then there are those who are more idealistic. They just want a perfect cup of coffee! - 31875

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